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在std :: vector上以有序的方式迭代 <std::pair<T,U> &gt;对象

[英]Iterating in a sorted manner over a std::vector<std::pair<T,U> > object

I am reading a object from a database of type Foo, as defined below. 我正在从Foo类型的数据库中读取对象,如下所述。 This object is a vector of Foo Members, where a Foo Members consists of a string id and a container object. 该对象是Foo成员的向量,其中Foo成员由字符串id和容器对象组成。

typedef std::pair<std::string, Container> FooMember;
typedef std::vector<FooMember> Foo;

I wish to iterate over a Foo object in its sorted form, where sorting is done with respect to the id. 我希望以其排序形式迭代一个Foo对象,其中对id进行排序。 To do this I am using the following function to create first a sorted version of the object. 为此,我使用以下函数首先创建对象的排序版本。 As you can see, the object is sorted in a case insensitive manner. 如您所见,对象以不区分大小写的方式排序。 Is there a better way for me to iterate over this object compared to how I am currently doing it? 与我目前的做法相比,我有更好的方法来迭代这个对象吗?

Foo sortedFoo(Foo& value) const {
    Foo returnValue;

    // use a map to sort the items
    std::map<std::string, FooMember> sortedMembers;
        Foo::iterator i = value.begin();
        Foo::iterator end = value.end();
        for(; i!=end; ++i) {
            std::string name = i->first;
            sortedMembers[name] = *i;

    // convert the map to a vector of its values in sorted order
    std::map<std::string, FooMember >::iterator i = sortedMembers.begin();
    std::map<std::string, FooMember >::iterator end = sortedMembers.end();
    for(; i!=end; ++i) {
    return returnValue;

Yes: Copy the vector, then use std::sort with a custom comparison predicate: 是:复制向量,然后将std::sort与自定义比较谓词一起使用:

struct ByIdCaseInsensitive {
  bool operator ()(const FooMember& lhs, const FooMember& rhs) const {
    return boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(lhs.first) <

Way more efficient than filling a map, and then copying back to a vector. 比填充地图更有效,然后复制回矢量。

The predicate would be even better if it used a proper Unicode collation algorithm, but that isn't available in the standard library or Boost. 如果使用适当的Unicode排序规则算法,谓词会更好,但标准库或Boost中没有。

The best way would be to use std::sort with a custom comparator for FooMembers : 最好的方法是使用std::sortFooMembers的自定义比较器:

bool cmp(const FooMember& lhs, const FooMember& rhs);

Foo sortedFoo(const Foo& value) const
  Foo tmp = value;
  return std::sort(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), cmp);

where the comparison can be implemented with the help of std::lexicographical_compare and tolower : 可以在std::lexicographical_comparetolower的帮助下实现比较:

#include <cctype> // for std::tolower

bool ci_cmp(char a, char b)
  return std::tolower(a) < std::tolower(b);

#include <algorithm> // for std::sort, std::lexicographical_compare

bool cmp(const FooMember& lhs, const FooMember& rhs) 
  return std::lexicographical_compare(lhs.first.begin(),

You can use std::sort 你可以使用std::sort

#include <algorithm>

bool comparator(const FooMember& i, const FooMember& j)
    std::string str1 = i.first;
    std::string str2 = j.first;
    return (str1 < str2); 

void sortFoo(Foo& value) {
    std::sort (value.begin(), value.end(), comparator);

Or, you can keep Foo objects in a std::map<std::string, Foo> from the beginning so they remain always sorted. 或者,您可以从一开始就将Foo对象保存在std::map<std::string, Foo> ,以便它们始终保持排序状态。

You can also use std::sort with a lambda expression: 您还可以将std :: sort与lambda表达式一起使用:

std::sort(value.begin(), value.end(), [](const FooMember &lhs, const FooMember &rhs)
    std::string str1 = i.first, str2 = j.first;
    return str1 < str2; 

Or use the version provided by erelender. 或者使用erelender提供的版本。 It's up to you. 由你决定。

Semantically std::vector<std::pair<T,U> > is a std::map<T,U> (but implementations are usually different). 语义std::vector<std::pair<T,U> >std::map<T,U> (但实现通常是不同的)。 If you can re-design Foo , you probably better do it. 如果你可以重新设计Foo ,你可能会做得更好。 As side effect, you will get sorting for free. 作为副作用,您将免费进行分类。

typedef std::map<std::string, Container> Foo;

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