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[英]Set p:selectBooleanCheckbox value to bean with ajax

Hi i have a primefaces datatable with dynamic columns 嗨,我有一个带有动态列的primefaces数据表

    <p:dataTable id="cars" var="car" value="#{formBean.carsSmall}" 
        <p:columns value="#{formBean.columns}" var="column" 
            <f:facet name="header">
                rendered="#{(column.header eq 'CHECKVALUE1') or (column.header eq 'CHECKVALUE2')}" >
                <p:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{car.checkValue}"  id="checkboxId">
                rendered="#{(column.header ne 'CHECKVALUE1') and (column.header ne 'CHECKVALUE2')}" >

and i want to submit checkbox values to bean with ajax how could i do that ?? 而且我想使用ajax将复选框值提交给bean,我该怎么做? I tried to write something like: 我试图写类似:

<p:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{car.checkValue}"  id="checkboxId">
    <p:ajax update="@form"/>

But the value doesnt set to bean.. 但是该值未设置为bean。

<p:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{car.checkValue}"  id="checkboxId">
        <p:ajax update=":form" listener="#{car.addMessage}"/>  

Java Bean Class - Java Bean类-

public void addMessage()
    //Your Java Code goes here.

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