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[英]Get the parameter value from a Linq Expression

I have the following class 我有以下课程

public class MyClass
    public bool Delete(Product product)
        // some code.

Now I have a helper class that looks like this 现在我有一个看起来像这样的助手类

public class Helper<T, TResult>

    public Type Type;
    public string Method;
    public Type[] ArgTypes;
    public object[] ArgValues;

    public Helper(Expression<Func<T, TResult>> expression)
        var body = (System.Linq.Expressions.MethodCallExpression)expression.Body;

        this.Type = typeof(T);
        this.Method = body.Method.Name;
        this.ArgTypes = body.Arguments.Select(x => x.Type).ToArray();
        this.ArgValues = ???

The idea ist to use this code from somewhere: 这个想法是从某个地方使用这个代码:

// I am returning a helper somewhere
public Helper<T> GetMethod<T>()
    var product = GetProduct(1);
    return new Helper<MyClass>(x => x.Delete(product));

// some other class decides, when to execute the helper 
// Invoker already exists and is responsible for executing the method
// that is the main reason I don't just comile and execute my Expression
public bool ExecuteMethod<T>(Helper<T> helper)
    var instance = new MyClass();
    var Invoker = new Invoker(helper.Type, helper.Method, helper.ArgTypes, helper.ArgValues);
    return (bool)Invoker.Invoke(instance);

The point where I am stuck is how to extract the arguments from the expression itself. 我被困的地方是如何从表达式本身中提取参数。

I found this way 我找到了这种方式


which seems to be an object type with a field "product" but I believe there must be a simpler solution. 这似乎是一个带有“产品”字段的对象类型,但我相信必须有一个更简单的解决方案。

Any suggestions. 有什么建议。

Update 更新

Just to clarify, I modified my code according to what I want to achive. 为了澄清,我根据我想要的内容修改了我的代码。 In my real word application I already have a class that does the same but without an expression tree: 在我的真正的单词应用程序中,我已经有一个类,但没有表达式树:

var helper = new Helper(typeof(MyClass), "Delete", 
    new Type[] { typeof(Product) }, new object[] {product}));

The main reason for my Helper<T> is to have Compile-Time checking if the method signature is valid. 我的Helper<T>主要原因是如果方法签名有效,则进行编译时检查。

Update 2 更新2

This is my current implementation, is there a better way to acces the values, without using reflection? 这是我目前的实现,是否有更好的方法来访问值,而不使用反射?

public Helper(Expression<Func<T, TResult>> expression)
    var body = (System.Linq.Expressions.MethodCallExpression)expression.Body;

    this.Type = typeof(T);
    this.Method = body.Method.Name;
    this.ArgTypes = body.Arguments.Select(x => x.Type).ToArray();

    var values = new List<object>();
    foreach(var arg in body.Arguments)
    this.ArgValues = values.ToArray();

This method works pretty well. 这种方法效果很好。 It returns the argument types and values for an Expression> 它返回Expression>的参数类型和值

    private static KeyValuePair<Type, object>[] ResolveArgs<T>(Expression<Func<T, object>> expression)
        var body = (System.Linq.Expressions.MethodCallExpression)expression.Body;
        var values = new List<KeyValuePair<Type, object>>();

        foreach (var argument in body.Arguments)
            var exp = ResolveMemberExpression(argument);
            var type = argument.Type;

            var value = GetValue(exp);

            values.Add(new KeyValuePair<Type, object>(type, value));

        return values.ToArray();

    public static MemberExpression ResolveMemberExpression(Expression expression)

        if (expression is MemberExpression)
            return (MemberExpression)expression;
        else if (expression is UnaryExpression)
            // if casting is involved, Expression is not x => x.FieldName but x => Convert(x.Fieldname)
            return (MemberExpression)((UnaryExpression)expression).Operand;
            throw new NotSupportedException(expression.ToString());

    private static object GetValue(MemberExpression exp)
        // expression is ConstantExpression or FieldExpression
        if (exp.Expression is ConstantExpression)
            return (((ConstantExpression)exp.Expression).Value)
        else if (exp.Expression is MemberExpression)
            return GetValue((MemberExpression)exp.Expression);
            throw new NotImplementedException();

You can compile the argument expression and then invoke it to calculate the value: 您可以编译参数表达式,然后调用它来计算值:

var values = new List<object>();
foreach(var arg in body.Arguments)
    var value = Expression.Lambda(argument).Compile().DynamicInvoke();
this.ArgValues = values.ToArray();

Here is an example of creation of a delegate using a lambda. 以下是使用lambda创建委托的示例。 The object instance is encapsulated into the delegate using a C# feature called closure. 使用名为closure的C#功能将对象实例封装到委托中。

MyClass instance = new MyClass();
    //This following line cannot be changed to var declaration 
    //since C# can't infer the type.
Func<Product, bool> deleteDelegate = p => instance.Delete(p);
Product product = new Product();
bool deleted = deleteDelegate(product);

Alternatively you are trying to create a Helper that automagically Currys. 或者,您正在尝试创建一个自动化Currys的Helper。

public class Helper<T>
    where T : new()
    public TResult Execute<TResult>(Func<T, TResult> methodLambda)
        var instance = new T();
        return methodLamda(instance);

public void Main()
    var helper = new Helper<MyClass>();
    var product = new Product();
    helper.Execute(x => x.Delete(product));

However I have to say this problem looks suspiciously like the creation of a Helper class to handle the lifetime of a WCF proxy....You know...just say...in which case this ISN'T how I would approach this...simply because this approach leaks WCF specific code into your domain. 但是我不得不说这个问题看起来很像创建一个Helper类来处理WCF代理的生命周期....你知道......只是说...在这种情况下这不是我怎么接近这个...只是因为这种方法将WCF特定代码泄漏到您的域中。

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