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BlackBerry 10中的弹出窗口

[英]Popup in BlackBerry 10

How do I show a popup in Blackberry 10? 如何在Blackberry 10中显示弹出窗口? I want to show popup when any contact is added /deleted/updated. 我想在添加/删除/更新任何联系人时显示弹出窗口。 I took one method like this--- 我采取了这样的一种方法

void ContactEditor::showToast(QString text) {
bb::system::SystemToast toast;

and called like this--- 然后这样称呼

showToast("contact added...");

included file for System Toast also. 还包括System Toast的随附文件。

but this is giving me error---- 但这给了我错误-

make[2]: *** [o-g/addressbook] Error 1
make[1]: *** [debug] Error 2
make: *** [Simulator-Debug] Error 2

can somebody tell me whats the problem ? 有人可以告诉我是什么问题吗?

Add LIBS += -lbbsystem to your application pro file. LIBS += -lbbsystem添加到您的应用程序专业文件中。 and include 并包括

#include <bb/system/SystemToast>

         SystemToast *toast = new SystemToast(this);
                                toast->setBody("Your Toast");

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