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Kivy TextInput和字体

[英]Kivy TextInput and Fonts

the code in question 有问题的代码

txt = TextInput(text='%s'%default, multiline=False, size_hint=(0.5,1))
txt.font_name = gAssets + "FreeSans.ttf"
Txt.font_size = 14

If I comment out the font_name attribute the text in the input lines up about right. 如果我注释掉font_name属性,则输入行中的文本大约正确。 (still sits a little bit high in the box but workable) (仍位于盒子中高一点,但可行)

法线对齐(使用DroidSans.ttf) (using the normal TextInput with the default font (DroidSans.ttf)) (使用具有默认字体(DroidSans.ttf)的普通TextInput)

However once I uncomment the line that sets it to FreeSans.ttf (larger character set) It now sits way to high in the text field 但是,一旦取消注释将其设置为FreeSans.ttf(较大的字符集)的行,它现在在文本字段中的位置就很高

带有FreeSans的Kivy TextInput (using normal TextInput with FreeSans.ttf) (将普通的TextInput与FreeSans.ttf一起使用)

I am using kivy 1.3 and have been unsuccessful at getting the padding attribute to work(however I would be happy to use it if someone could demonstrate how to use it with a TextInput.) 我正在使用kivy 1.3,但未成功使用padding属性(但是,如果有人可以演示如何将其与TextInput一起使用,我将很乐意使用它)。

You can alter padding inside your code using VariableListPropery . 您可以使用VariableListPropery更改代码内的填充。 Example: 例:

from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
from kivy.uix.textinput import TextInput
from kivy.properties import  VariableListProperty

class MyTextInput(TextInput):
    padding =  VariableListProperty(['24dp', '48dp'])

class MyApp(App):
    def build(self):
        return MyTextInput(text='This is an example text', multiline=False)

if __name__ == '__main__':

This code requires 1.7 version, as noted in documentation of the widget . 小部件的文档中所述 ,此代码需要1.7版本。 I recommend uprgrading as I don't even see any API archive anywhere to check how it was setted before. 我建议升级,因为我什至在任何地方都看不到任何API存档来检查它的设置。

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