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通过表迭代以显示datetime> = Today.now的下一条记录

[英]Iterate through a table to display the next record with the datetime >= Today.now

I'm trying to iterate through my schedules table and get one record with the 'datetime: >= Time.now' to display the current teams next game. 我正在尝试遍历我的日程表并获得一条带有'datetime:> = Time.now'的记录来显示当前团队的下一场比赛。

Here's my Team model: 这是我的团队模型:

class Team < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessible :city, :conf, :div, :full_name, :name, :short_name

  has_many :fans
  has_many :away_schedules, class_name: 'Schedule', foreign_key: :away_team_id
  has_many :home_schedules, class_name: 'Schedule', foreign_key: :home_team_id

 def schedules
  (away_schedules + home_schedules).sort_by(&:id)

Here's my Schedule model: 这是我的日程表模型:

class Schedule < ActiveRecord::Base  
  attr_accessible :away_team_id, :datetime, :home_team_id, :season, :week

  belongs_to :away_team, class_name: 'Team'
  belongs_to :home_team, class_name: 'Team'

I have a games_helper.rb 我有一个games_helper.rb

module GamesHelper
  def current_game
   @current_game = current_fan.team.schedules

I have a partial _scoreboard.html.erb 我有一个部分_scoreboard.html.erb

<% current_game.each do |game| %>
  <% if game.datetime.to_s >= Time.now.to_s %>
  <% return current_game = game.datetime.to_s(:custom),
  game.away_team.short_name, " @ ", game.home_team.short_name %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

This seems to work but using return has the array in brackets around the results: 这似乎有效但是使用return在结果的括号内有数组:

["Sun, Sep 15th, at 4:25 PM", "DEN", " @ ", "NYG"]

Would like it to display: 希望它显示:

Sun, Sep 15th, at 4:25 PM, DEN @ NYG

I'm not sure if I'm going about this the right way. 我不确定我是否正确地走这条路。

Assuming an ActiveRecord model called 'Game' with a field called 'game_date': 假设一个名为'Game'的ActiveRecord模型带有一个名为'game_date'的字段:

Game.game_date.where('game_date > ?', Time.now).order('game_date').first

This will make sure your database does the sorting and searching, and only returns one record. 这将确保您的数据库执行排序和搜索,并且只返回一条记录。 If you don't like the placeholder syntax, the squeel gem can make it look even more rubyish, though that's probably overkill for this example. 如果你不喜欢占位符语法,那么squeel gem可以使它看起来更加红宝石,尽管这个例子可能有些过分。

UPDATE (based on changes to the question) 更新 (根据问题的变化)

I think you want to move a lot of that ruby code from the partial to your helper. 我想你想把很多ruby代码从部分移动到你的帮助器。 In your helper, add this method: 在您的助手中,添加以下方法:

def current_game_scoreboard(game)
  if game.datetime >= Time.now
    current_game = game.datetime.to_s(:custom),
      game.away_team.short_name, " @ ", game.home_team.short_name
    return current_game.join('')

And in your partial just replace the body of the loop that has the above code with: 在你的部分只是替换具有上述代码的循环体:


You could improve this further by just passing a collection to the scoreboard partial and using Rails' partial magic to do the loop iteration, but this will get you going in the right direction. 你可以通过将一个集合传递给记分板部分并使用Rails的部分魔法来进行循环迭代来进一步改进这一点,但这将使你朝着正确的方向前进。

You can do this in ruby :- 你可以用红宝石做到这一点: -

require 'date'

dtar = [ "2013-8-15 13:00:00", "2013-9-15 13:00:00","2013-12-15 13:00:00", "2013-12-5 13:00:00"]
dtar.map{|d| Date.parse d}.find{|d| d > Date.today}
# => #<Date: 2013-09-15 ((2456551j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>

Add a method called next_game to the Team model 将一个名为next_game的方法添加到Team模型中

class Team < ActiveRecord::Base
  def next_game(reload=false)
    @next_game = nil if reload
    @next_game ||= schedules.where('game_date > ?', Time.now).order('game_date').first

  # change the schedules method implementation so that you can perform all the work in db
  def schedules
    Schedule.where("away_team_id = ? OR home_team_id = ?", id, id)

Add a helper to display game info 添加帮助以显示游戏信息

module GamesHelper
  def game_info g
    "#{g.datetime.to_s(:custom)}, #{g.away_team.short_name} @ #{g.home_team.short_name}"

Now in your view: 现在在你看来:

<% if (game = current_fan.team.next_game).present? %>
  <%= game_info(game)%>
<% end %>

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