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[英]iOS Bluetooth retrievePeripherals causes EXC_BAD_ACCESS crash

I need to periodically reconnect to a peripheral, but trying to re-connect crashes. 我需要定期重新连接到外围设备,但尝试重新连接崩溃。

First, my central scans for peripherals' UUID, then it connects, then it stores the peripheral.UUID into a CFUUIDRef variable, and then disconnects. 首先,我的中央设备扫描外围设备的UUID,然后进行连接,然后将外围设备.UUID存储到CFUUIDRef变量中,然后断开连接。 Next, to re-connect it retrieves the UUID from variable, then either crashes with "EXC_BAD_ACCESS" when it does retreivePeripherals, or a little later when it does the subsequent didRetrievePeripherals. 接下来,要重新连接,它会从变量中检索UUID,然后在执行retreivePeripherals时崩溃,并以“ EXC_BAD_ACCESS”崩溃,或者在随后进行后续的didRetrievePeripherals时崩溃。

Maybe I'm not storing the UUID correctly, but I don't see the bug. 也许我没有正确存储UUID,但没有看到该错误。 Thanks. 谢谢。

Here's the code .......... 这是代码........

-(void)centralManager:(CBCentralManager *)central didConnectPeripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral
    ///////////////////////   C E N T R A L   C O N N E C T E D   P E R I P H E R A L   //////////////////////

    [self.centralManager   stopScan];
    // Make sure we get the discovery callbacks
    peripheral.delegate = pwr_tx_management;

    switch( PWR_TX_manager.present_operation )
            if( dbg_ev )        printf("1");        
            // Add new record for connection device to local system status database:
            update_device_record( &packed_ad_record    );       //      ==>  device_record_index
            // Store peripheral UUID for later, perioed re-connection for polling:
            area_device_status[ device_area ][ device_record_index ].peripheral_UUID = peripheral.UUID;
                                 // uses declaration:  CFUUIDRef            peripheral_UUID;

    // Disconnect:        !!!
        [self.centralManager   cancelPeripheralConnection:   peripheral];

                                        NSLog( @"(7) didConnectPeripheral   " );
            if( dbg_ev )        printf("2");        
            // Proceed with reading device's status and updating local database:
                [peripheral   discoverServices:nil];    // request service, characteristics, then request device send its packed status record


// Connects to device specificed by index next_dbase_record .
void connect_specific_device( void )
                                                        NSLog( @"(5) connect_specific_device    - next_dbase_record = %d", next_dbase_record );
    CFUUIDRef uuid = area_device_status[ device_area ][ next_dbase_record ].peripheral_UUID;

    if( uuid )
        // Request call to didRetrievePeripherals() with CBPeripheral:
        [pwr_tx_management.centralManager retrievePeripherals:[NSArray arrayWithObject: (id)CFBridgingRelease(uuid)]];     <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< crashes here with:  Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS
        NSLog( @"   - missing area_device_status[][].peripheral_UUID ");


// Iniates connection to peripheral device specified before by retrievePeripherals.
- (void) centralManager:(CBCentralManager *)central didRetrievePeripherals:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral
    NSLog( @"(6) didRetrievePeripherals");
    [central   connectPeripheral:peripheral   options:nil];

Let me preface this by saying I'm writing this from my cell phone in a car, so excuse me for the poor formatting. 首先,我要说的是我是用手机在汽车上写的,因此,请原谅我格式化不当。 Ill just point out the main problem I see. 我只想指出我所遇到的主要问题。 You're not adopting the right delegate method: 您没有采用正确的委托方法:

It is: 它是:

- (void) centralManager:(CBCentralManager *)central didRetrievePeripherals:(NSArray *) peripherals

Not this: 不是这个:

- (void) centralManager:(CBCentralManager *)central didRetrievePeripherals:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral

Also I don't see why you're doing that cfbridgingrelease . 我也看不到你为什么要cfbridgingrelease Just pass it in as @[(id)yourCfuuidref] . 只需将其作为@[(id)yourCfuuidref] You didn't create that cfuuid. 您没有创建该cfuuid。

The solution was to store the ASCII UUID, and use use retrieveConnectedPeripherals as well as retreivePeripherals. 解决方案是存储ASCII UUID,并使用retrieveConnectedPeripherals和retreivePeripherals。 Storing the pointer probably failed because the data was not retained. 存储指针可能失败,因为未保留数据。 I also implemented tdevoy's solution. 我还实现了tdevoy的解决方案。 didRetrievePeripherals gets called but its peripherals list is empty, so I added to it retrieveConnectedPeripherals and didRetrieveConnectedPeripherals, which gets called, and lists the peripheral, which I successfully connect to. didRetrievePeripherals被调用,但是其外围设备列表为空,因此我在其中添加了retrieveConnectedPeripherals和didRetrieveConnectedPeripherals,它们被调用并列出了我成功连接到的外围设备。 (Apple Prog. guide for these is vague and lacks example code.) (有关这些内容的Apple Prog。指南含糊不清,缺少示例代码。)

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