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[英]Android Multi-Layered Master/Detail Flow

I would appreciate some Android UI advice (or examples) on the following scenario: 在以下情况下,我将感谢一些Android UI建议(或示例):

I need to have an activity which follows the Android Master/Detail Flow UI pattern but have it 3 layers deep. 我需要进行一个遵循Android Master / Detail Flow UI模式的活动,但要使其深度达到3层。 Ie Master A will have a list. 即大师A将有一个列表。 On the Detail view of AI will have another list (in detail A) which is essentially the Master for Detail B. Then in Detail BI want another List which is the Master for Detail C. Finally Detail C will contain a list and this is the end of the flow. 在AI的“详细信息”视图上将有另一个列表(详细信息A),该列表本质上是“详细信息B”的主控。然后在“详细信息BI”中需要另一个列表,即“详细信息C”的主控。流程结束。

To recap: 回顾一下:

  1. Master A List has Detail A which contains Master B List 母版A列表的明细A包含母版B列表
  2. Master B List points to Detail B which contains Master C List 主B列表指向包含主C列表的明细B
  3. Master C List points to Detail C which contains a List. 主C列表指向包含列表的详细信息C。

Any advice you can offer on how this can be implemented would be much appreciated. 您将提供有关如何实施的任何建议,将不胜感激。 So far I have only implemented a standard Master Detail Flow with one Master and one Detail Screen. 到目前为止,我只实现了带有一个Master和一个Detail屏幕的标准Master Detail Flow。

I have searched and can't find any good examples or tutorials. 我已经搜索过,但是找不到任何好的示例或教程。

Thanks, Paul. 谢谢,保罗。

If you create a new Master Detail project, you will see in the layout folder that the activity_item_twopane.xml is composed of a Fragment (the list) and a Framelayout (the detail). 如果创建一个新的Master Detail项目,您将在布局文件夹中看到activity_item_twopane.xml由Fragment(列表)和Framelayout(细节)组成。

The fragment_item_detail.xml is just a text, what you could do is to change the framgment_item_detail.xml to a layout composed of a Fragment and a FrameLayout , so you would have the same behavior as the main activity. fragment_item_detail.xml只是文本,您可以做的是将framgment_item_detail.xml更改为由FragmentFrameLayout组成的布局,因此您将具有与主要活动相同的行为。 It's a start... 这是一个开始...

BR, Alexandre. BR,亚历山大。

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