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[英]Remove Dynamically Added Fields with Javascript

I have a form where I am cloning the initial input fields as a template to allow the user to add as many options as they need to. 我有一个表单,其中将初始输入字段克隆为模板,以允许用户添加所需数量的选项。 Adding new fields works fine, but when attempting to remove them, the first one works as expected but all generated fields cannot be removed. 添加新字段可以正常工作,但是尝试删除它们时,第一个字段可以按预期工作,但是无法删除所有生成的字段。

My knowledge of JS is very poor but I would assume that setting it to remove the parent should be the correct operation. 我对JS的知识很差,但是我认为将其设置为删除父项应该是正确的操作。

<script type="text/javascript">
    var template = $('#inventoryItems .inventory:first').clone(),
        inventoryCount = 1;

    var addInventory = function()
        var inventory = template.clone().find(':input').each(function()
            var newId = this.id.substring(0, this.id.length-1) + inventoryCount;
            $(this).prev().attr('for', newId); // update label for (assume prev sib is label)
            this.name = this.id = newId; // update id and name (assume the same)
        }).end() // back to .attendee
        .attr('id', 'inv' + inventoryCount) // update attendee id
        .appendTo('#inventoryItems > fieldset'); // add to fieldset

    $('.btnAddInventory').click(addInventory); // attach event

    var removeInventory = function()

    $('.btnRemoveInventory').click(removeInventory); // attach event


                <div id="inventoryItems" class="inventoryItems" style="margin:0; padding:0;">

                    <fieldset style="width:62%; float:left; margin-left: 19%;">

                        <div id="inv1" class="inventory">
                            <select name="invItem1" style="width:92%;">
                                    $invItem_values = array("id", "name");
                                    display_options_list($dp_conn, $invItem_values, "inventory", "id");

                            <input class="btnRemoveInventory" type="button" style="background: url(images/icn_trash.png) no-repeat; cursor:pointer; border: none;">

                    </fieldset><div class="clear"></div>

                    <!-- Add Inventory Button -->
                    <div style="width:62%; margin:0; padding:0; float: right; margin-right: 19%">
                        <input class="btnAddInventory" type="button" value="Add Item" style="float: right;">
                    </div><div class="clear"></div>


Attaching events via click() (or any other shortcut event handler) only works with elements which are available on load of the page. 通过click() (或任何其他快捷方式事件处理程序)附加事件仅适用于页面加载时可用的元素。 Instead, because you are appending elements dynamically, you need to use a delegated event handler. 相反,由于要动态附加元素,因此需要使用委托的事件处理程序。 Change this: 更改此:


To this: 对此:

$('#inventoryItems').on('click', '.btnRemoveInventory', removeInventory)

This is attaching the event to the nearest static element, #inventoryItems , and then filters the events raised to see if the target matches .btnRemoveInventory . #inventoryItems事件附加到最近的静态元素#inventoryItems ,然后过滤引发的事件以查看目标是否与.btnRemoveInventory匹配。

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