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JSF / JPA值绑定表达式未设置实体bean的属性

[英]JSF/JPA value binding expression not setting entity bean's property

I am learning JSF/EJB and I have run into a problem. 我正在学习JSF / EJB,但遇到了问题。

I am trying to write a code that takes a string from user and store that string to database. 我正在尝试编写一个从用户那里获取一个字符串并将该字符串存储到数据库的代码。

Here's my code: Entity bean: 这是我的代码:实体bean:


public class TestTable implements Serializable {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

public TestTable() {

private int firstcolumn;
private String secondcolumn;

private String testphrase = "test phrase";

public String getTestphrase() {
    return testphrase;
public void setTestphrase(String testphrase) {
    this.testphrase = testphrase;
public int getFirstcolumn() {
    return firstcolumn;
public void setFirstcolumn(int firstcolumn) {
    this.firstcolumn = firstcolumn;
public String getSecondcolumn() {
    return secondcolumn;
public void setSecondcolumn(String secondcolumn) {
    this.secondcolumn = secondcolumn;

  • Table has three columns, first column is primary key, second column stores string entered by user and third column stores "test phrase". 该表具有三列,第一列是主键,第二列存储用户输入的字符串,第三列存储“测试短语”。

Controller bean: 控制器bean:

public class TestController  implements Serializable {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

DataAccess dacc;

TestTable testTable;

public TestController()


public TestTable getTestTable() {
    return testTable;

public void setTestTable(TestTable testTable) {
    this.testTable = testTable;

public void test()

    System.out.println("string secondcolumn= "+ testTable.getSecondcolumn());


  • I used System.out.println("string secondcolumn= "+ testTable.getSecondcolumn()); 我使用了System.out.println(“ string secondcolumn =” + testTable.getSecondcolumn()); in method test() to check data before it is written to database. 在方法test()中检查数据,然后再将其写入数据库。 My problem is, it is always null. 我的问题是,它始终为null。 Output in console : INFO :string secondcolumn= null . 在控制台中输出:INFO:string secondcolumn = null。

secondcolumn is not set by value binding expression in JSF. JSF中的值绑定表达式未设置secondcolumn。

Now, JSF: 现在,JSF:

        <h:outputText value="Second column:">

        <h:inputText label="Second column" value="#{testController.testTable.secondcolumn}">                

        <h:outputText value="#{testController.testTable.getTestphrase()}">

        <h:commandButton action="#{testController.test}" value="Save">

I checked database and rows are being added. 我检查了数据库,并添加了行。 Entries in Column SECONDCOLUMN are NULL. 列SECONDCOLUMN中的条目为NULL。

Entries in TESTPHRASE are "test phrase". TESTPHRASE中的条目是“测试短语”。 I get no error messages and I have tried everything I can to solve the problem and now I am stuck. 我没有收到任何错误消息,我已经尽力解决了问题,但现在我陷入了困境。 Any feedback are welcome. 欢迎任何反馈。

Your problem is that you're injecting an entity class. 您的问题是您要注入实体类。 The best will be initializing it manually using the new keyword, retrieving the entity from database, etc. One way to do this would be using a @PostConstruct method in your CDI bean: 最好的办法是使用new关键字手动将其初始化,从数据库中检索实体,等等。一种方法是在CDI bean中使用@PostConstruct方法:

//here you should define the scope of your bean
//probably @RequestScoped
//if you're working with JSF 2.2 there's already a @ViewScoped
public class TestController  implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    DataAccess dacc;
    //this musn't be injected since it's not a business class but an entity class
    TestTable testTable;

    public TestController() {

    public void init() {
        //basic initialization
        testTable = new TestTable();

    //rest of your code...

With this change, JSF will be able to set the values from the <h:form> into the bounded fields. 通过此更改,JSF将能够将<h:form>的值设置为有界字段。 Note that JSF code will just invoke the necessary getters and setters accordingly to the defined in your EL, it won't create a new instance of the bounded fields. 注意,JSF代码只会根据EL中定义的内容调用必要的getter和setter,而不会创建有界字段的新实例。 The getters are invoked when generating the view and the setters when submitting the form to the server. 生成视图时调用getter,将表单提交给服务器时调用setter。

More info: 更多信息:

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