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为什么此javascript代码在Internet Explorer中不起作用?

[英]Why doesn't this javascript code work in Internet Explorer?

Can someone check why my javascript code isn't working in Internet Explorer 9, but works normally in Firefox ??? 有人可以检查为什么我的JavaScript代码在Internet Explorer 9中不能正常运行,但是在Firefox中可以正常运行吗? Also code doesn't work in Google Chrome. 另外,代码在Google Chrome中不起作用。

   <script type="text/javascript">
      function showF4(){
      document.getElementById('showF4').style.display = "block";
   <form method="post" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">
      <p><select class="selField" id="list_sel" name="list_type" >
         <option id="F4DOL" onmouseover="showForm7()" onmouseout="hideForm7()"            onclick="showF4()"  value="F4 Document List"> F4 Document List </option>


   <div id="showF4" style="display: none">
      <p><font color="red">*</font>Feature:
      <input   id="f4_input"  name="f4_input" type="text" value="" /> </p>
<option id="F4DOL" onmouseover="showForm7()" onmouseout="hideForm7()" onclick="showF4()"  value="F4 Document List"> F4 Document List </option>

option s don't have those events like onClick , its the select box that does. option没有像onClick这样的事件,它的选择框没有。 Move those out of option to select and change to appropriate methods like onChange etc. 将其移出optionselect并更改为适当的方法,例如onChange等。

So I found the following: 所以我发现以下内容:

http://www.webmasterworld.com/forum91/4959.htm http://www.webmasterworld.com/forum91/4959.htm

And one of the guys gave this as the answer 有人给了这个答案

your method of setting the style of elements: 


will not work in ie. How to set styles with javascript depends not only on the browser, but in some cases also on other conditions, as if the style is inline or comes from css and on other things (for this see eg. quirksmode.org).
Therefore you might prefer to add styles for a specific class in your stylesheet, let's say 

.noshow {visibility: hidden;}

and then use js to switch between visible and not by saying 




Hope this helps. 

Have a look, it might solve your problem 看看,它可能会解决您的问题

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