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[英]JSON.parse: unexpected end of data (javascript)

I have a couple functions that parse the external/internal JSON data and return it onto the local webpage using localStorage . 我有几个函数可以解析外部/内部JSON数据,并使用localStorage将其返回到本地网页。 Now I have gotten the external JSON data to display correctly, but have not gotten the JSON data submitted locally and get a JSON.parse: unexpected end of data error. 现在,我已获取外部JSON数据以正确显示,但尚未获取本地提交的JSON数据并获得JSON.parse: unexpected end of data错误。 The function that parses this data is retrieveData() . 解析此数据的函数是retrieveData()

Here are examples of what I'm trying to do. 以下是我尝试执行的操作的示例。

function saveData () {  //This function take the data from the html inputs and put the values into local storage
    localStorage.setItem("Categories", $("select").value);
    localStorage.setItem("Name", $("Name").value);
    localStorage.setItem("Rating", $("rating").value);
    localStorage.setItem("Recommend", recommendValue);
    localStorage.setItem("Favorite", Favorite);
    localStorage.setItem("Date", $("date").value);
    localStorage.setItem("Notes", $("notes").value);
    alert("Resource Saved!");

    function getRadio () {  //This function takes the radio input; be it checked or unchecked
    var radio = document.forms[0];
    for (var i = 0; i < radio.length; i++) {
        if (radio[i].checked) {
            Favorite = radio[i].value;

function getCheckbox () { //This function takes the value from recommend; either being yes or no
    if ($("Y").checked) {
        recommendValue = $("Y").value;
    else {
        recommendValue = $("N").value;

    function retrieveData () { //this function will retrieve the data in local storage or from json.js if their is no default data
    if (localStorage.length === 0) {
        alert("No data in localStorage. Adding default data.");
    var Makediv = document.createElement('div');
    Makediv.setAttribute("id", "games");
    var list = document.createElement('ul');
    //ImageGrab($("Select").value, Div);
    for (var i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++) {
        var mli = document.createElement('li');
        var keyVal = localStorage.key(i);
        var value = localStorage.getItem(keyVal);
        //convert local storage value back into an object using JSON
        var objct = JSON.parse(value);
        var makesul = document.createElement('ul');
        for (var q in objct) {
            var msl = document.createElement('li');
            var subText = objct[q][0] + " " + objct[q][1];
            msl.innerHTML = subText;

    function fillData () { //this function reads in json.js with Ajax
    var xmlRequest;
    if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
        // code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
        xmlRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
    else {
        // code for IE6, IE5
         xmlRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
    xmlRequest.onreadystatechange = function () {
    if (xmlRequest.readyState == 4 && xmlRequest.status == 200) {
        var text = xmlRequest.responseText;
        var json = JSON.parse(text);
    xmlRequest.open("GET", "json.js?_dc" + Math.random(), false);
    for (var i in json) {
        var ID = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000001);
        localStorage.setItem(ID, JSON.stringify(json[i]));

    function $(x) { //this function gives me the ability to call an element easily.  $("example")
    var element = document.getElementById(x);
    return element;

    var DisplayRatings = $('DisplayLink');  
    DisplayRatings.addEventListener("click", retrieveData); //on-click display data
    var SubmitRating = $('submit');
    SubmitRating.addEventListener("click", saveData, true); //on-click save the data

Can anyone point me in the right direction? 谁能指出我正确的方向? I've tried JSON.readyStatus === 4 and JSON.status === 200 before and to no avail (in an if statement). 我已经尝试过JSON.readyStatus === 4JSON.status === 200之前,但都没有用(在if语句中)。

My expected output of this is bring this up under the already made addGame.html page. 我的预期输出是在已经完成的addGame.html页面下进行显示。 As you can see it is suppose to make an unordered list then add ordered list items with the saved JSON data. 如您所见,假设要创建一个无序列表,然后使用保存的JSON数据添加有序列表项。 Here is my html that take the inputs. 这是我的HTML,接受输入。

json.js file json.js文件

"Game1": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "Xbox360"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "7"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "yes"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "04-01-2010"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "This is an FPS."]
"Game2": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "Playstation 4"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Defiance"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "3"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "no"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "no"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "04-07-2011"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "Massive Multiplayer game."]
"Game3": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "Xbox360"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Call of Duty: Black Ops II"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "8"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "yes"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "06-03-2011"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "Great game."]
"Game4": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "PC"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Dark Souls"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "9"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "yes"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-06-2011"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "This game is extremely hard."]
"Game5": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "Playstation 4"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Resident Evil 6"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "2"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "no"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "no"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-01-2012"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "This is not very great."]
"Game6": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "Wii"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Wii Sports"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "5"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "no"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-02-2012"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "Virtual Sports."]
"Game7": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "Mac"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Space Defenders"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "6"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "no"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-03-2012"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "This is a good casual game."]
"Game8": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "PC"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Spelunky"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "10"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "yes"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-03-2013"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "This is a randomly generated cave game."]
"Game9": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "Xbox360"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Spelunky"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "10"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "yes"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-03-2012"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "This is the xbox live arcade version that came out first, but had many xbox exclusives."]
"Game10": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "PC"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Prison Architect"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "8"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "yes"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-03-2012"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "This is a prison simulation game."]
"Game11": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "PC"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Don't Starve"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "9"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "yes"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-04-2012"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "This is horror survival game."]
"Game12": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "Wii"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Super Mario"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "6"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "no"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-04-2012"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "Not as good as the original."]
"Game13": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "Playstation 4"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "uncharted 3"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "6"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "no"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "no"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-04-2012"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "Hype didn't live up to expectations."]
"Game14": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "PC"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Dota 2"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "9"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "yes"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-05-2012"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "Great for pro players."]
"Game15": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "Xbox360"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "EA MMA"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "10"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "yes"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-06-2011"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "Best fighting game ever!"]
"Game16": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "PC"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Papers, please"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "6"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "no"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-07-2012"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "This is a dystopian thiller."]
"Game17": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "Mac"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "8"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "no"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-07-2009"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "This is a classic."]
"Game18": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "PC"],
    "Name": ["NRatingame:", "Counter Strike: Global Offensive"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "7"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "yes"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-16-2012"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "One of the best FPS on the market."]
"Game19": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "Wii"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "007: Goldeneye"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "4"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "no"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "no"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-022-2012"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "Controls are not very accesible."]
"Game20": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "PC"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Super Meat Boy"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "10"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "yes"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-01-2012"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "One of my favorite platformers."]

} }

addGame.html addGame.html

<div id="headAddGame">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta keyword="Ratings, list, Gaming">
        <meta description="A form that will create a    specific review for each game.">
        <meta name="ROBOTS" content="INDEX, FOLLOW">
        <meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, width=device-width">
         <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
        <script type="text/javascript" src="json.js"/></script>
        <div id="titleAddGame">
                Add A Game
    <body class="bodystyle">
        <fieldset ID="field">
            <legend class="bodyLegend">
                 Add Game
             <form action="#" method="post" id="form">
                 <h1 class="gameh1">
                      Select A Category:
                 <select name="Category dropdown list" id="select">
                <option value="Select One">Select One!</option>
                <option value="Xbox360">Xbox360</option>
                <option value="Playstation 4">Playstation 4</option>
                <option value="PC">PC</option>
                <option value="Mac">Mac</option>
                <option value="Wii">Wii</option>
                <h1 class="hone">
                    Game Information:
                <h2 class="htwo">
                <input type="text" name="Name" id="Name">
                <h2 class="htwo">
                     Rating (from one to ten, ten being the highest, one being the lowest):
                <input type="range" name="rating" min="1" max="10" id="rating">
                <h2 class="htwo">
                   Would you recommend?:
                <label for="Y">Yes</label>
                <input type="checkbox" name="recommend" id="Y" value="Yes"><br>
                <label for="N">No</label>
                <input type="checkbox" name="recommend" id="N" value="No"><br>
                <label for="Fav">
                    Save as a Favorite?
                <input type="radio" name="Favorite" id="Fav" value="Yes">
                <h2 class="htwo">
                    Date of review:
                <input type="date" name="date" id="date">
                <h2 class="htwo">
                <textarea rows="4" cols="50" id="notes">
                <input type="hidden" id="Dev" value="mobileDev">
                <input type="submit" value="submit" id="submit">
<div id="footAddGame">
        <a href="#" ID="Clear">
            clear stored data
        <a href="#" ID="DisplayLink">
            display data
        <a href="addgame.html" id="Addgame" style="display:none;">
            Add New Item
        <script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"/></script>

the resulting output when calling the retrieveData() function should add the example below to the page. 调用retrieveData()函数时,结果输出应将以下示例添加到页面中。

Similar to this: 与此类似:

  • Category 类别
    - name - 名称
    - rating - 评分
    - recommend -推荐
    - favorite -最爱
    - notes -笔记

Yet, my resulting outcome comes out like this: 但是,我的最终结果是这样的:

  • * *
    * *
    * *
    * *
    * *

I'm just using JavaScript, Ajax, HTML, and CSS. 我只是使用JavaScript,Ajax,HTML和CSS。 On the problem it just deals with JavaScript and HTML (saving JSON data from the HTML to then display it on addGame.html). 在问题上,它仅处理JavaScript和HTML(从HTML保存JSON数据,然后将其显示在addGame.html上)。

EDIT: Also tried JSON.stringify() when reading in the values from the submitted html form. 编辑:从提交的html表单中读取值时,还尝试了JSON.stringify()。 Same error occured. 发生相同的错误。

The content in json.js is javascript, not JSON. json.js中的内容是JavaScript, 而不是 JSON。 Instead of 'var json = {' you should just have '{'. 而不是'var json = {',您应该只使用'{'。

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