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[英]console.log quit working in Chrome

I'm not exactly sure when it started happening, roughly the last week or so, but Chrome no longer seems to print my console.log statements. 我不确定确切时间大约在上个星期左右开始,但是Chrome似乎不再打印我的console.log语句。 I've included a screenshot where on the console I type console.log('hello world'), and it simply prints undefined. 我提供了一个屏幕快照,在控制台上我在其中键入console.log('hello world'),它只是打印未定义的。 This is occuring on my Mac, Chrome Version 29.0.1547.65. 这是在我的Mac(版本29.0.1547.65)的Mac上发生的。 This exact same test on my Windows machine (Chrome version 29.01547.66 m) produces the output 在Windows计算机(Chrome版本29.01547.66 m)上进行的完全相同的测试将产生输出

hello world

I don't believe I have any filtering turned on or am doing anything differently than I was roughly a week ago. 与一周前相比,我认为我没有开启任何过滤功能或做任何不同的事情。 Thanks for any suggestions in advance. 感谢您提前提出任何建议。


click in the funnel and make sure you have Logging checked 单击渠道,并确保已选中“ Logging


In my case the problem was Firebug Lite, which I thought I wasn't using at the moment (it was collapsed). 就我而言,问题是Firebug Lite,我以为我目前不使用(它已崩溃)。

Open Firebug Lite and check off "Override Console Object". 打开Firebug Lite,然后选中“替代控制台对象”。

Then the native Chrome console will receive messages again, and Firebug's console won't (like it couldn't print on both at the same time; go figure). 然后,本机Chrome控制台将再次收到消息,而Firebug的控制台将不会(如无法同时在两者上打印;请参见图)。


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