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Python 2.7 - ImportError:没有名为Image的模块

[英]Python 2.7 - ImportError: No module named Image

Recently, I have been studying OpenCV to detect and recognize faces using C++. 最近,我一直在研究使用C ++检测和识别面部的OpenCV。 In order to execute source code demonstration from the OpenCV website I need to run Python to crop image first. 为了从OpenCV网站执行源代码演示,我需要先运行Python来裁剪图像。 Unfortunately, the message error is 'ImportError: No module named Image' when I run the Python script (this script is provided by OpenCV website). 不幸的是,当我运行Python脚本时,消息错误是'ImportError: No module named Image' (此脚本由OpenCV网站提供)。 I installed "python-2.7.amd64" and downloaded "PIL-1.1.7.win32-py2.7" to install Image library. 我安装了“python-2.7.amd64”并下载了“PIL-1.1.7.win32-py2.7”来安装Image库。 However, the message error is 'Python version 2.7 required, which was not found in the registry' . 但是,消息错误是'Python version 2.7 required, which was not found in the registry' And then, I downloaded the script written by Joakim Löw for Secret Labs AB / PythonWare to register registry in my computer. 然后,我下载了JoakimLöw为Secret Labs AB / PythonWare编写的脚本,以便在我的计算机中注册注册表。 But the message error is "Unable to register. You probably have the another Python installation" . 但消息错误是"Unable to register. You probably have the another Python installation"

I spent one month to search this issue on the internet but I cannot find the answer. 我花了一个月的时间在互联网上搜索这个问题,但我找不到答案。 Please support me to resolve my issue. 请支持我解决我的问题。

Thanks, Tran Dang Bao 谢谢,Tran Dang Bao

You installed the 64-bit version of Python, but the 32-bit version of PIL. 您安装了64位版本的Python,但是安装了32位版本的PIL。 Either switch to the 32-bit version of Python , or you need a 64-bit version of PIL (not available that I could find). 要么切换到32位版本的Python ,要么需要64位版本的PIL(我找不到它)。 There is pillow , a PIL-compatible replacement that might work. pillow ,兼容PIL的替代品可能有效。 A 64-bit version is available here: 这里有64位版本:

Pillow-2.1.0.win-amd64-py2.7.‌exe 枕头2.1.0.win-AMD64-py2.7.exe

The solution is very simple. 解决方案非常简单。 You don't need to worry about x86 or 64 bit, all you have to do is import as follows: 您不必担心x86或64位,您只需按以下方式导入:

from PIL import Image

but make sure Pillow is installed. 但请确保已安装枕头。 Works for me. 适合我。

Try to put the python(2.7) at your Windows path. 尝试将python(2.7)放在Windows路径上。 Do the following steps: 执行以下步骤:

  1. Open System Properties (Win+Pause) or My Computer and right-click then Properties 打开系统属性(Win + Pause)或“我的电脑”,然后右键单击“属性”
  2. Switch to the Advanced tab 切换到“高级”选项卡
  3. Click Environment Variables 单击“环境变量”
  4. Select PATH in the System variables section 在“系统变量”部分中选择“PATH”
  5. Click Edit 单击编辑
  6. Add python's path to the end of the list (the paths are separated by semicolons). 将python的路径添加到列表的末尾(路径以分号分隔)。 example C:\\Windows;C:\\Windows\\System32;C:\\Python27 示例C:\\Windows;C:\\Windows\\System32;C:\\Python27

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