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[英]Why SQL case isn't working

I get an error;Invalid column name 'phase'. 我收到错误;列名称“阶段”无效。 I've tried every permutation I can think of. 我已经尝试过我能想到的每一种排列。

<cfargument name="locationFilter" default="" />
    <cfargument name="educationFilter" default="" />
    <cfargument name="workFilter" default="" />
    <cfargument name="diversityFilter" default="" />
    <cfargument name="phaseFilter" default="" />
    <cfquery name="QMentors" datasource="#request.dsn_live#">
        when datepart(year,getdate())-cast(yearstarted as integer) > 29 then '5'
        when datepart(year,getdate())-cast(yearstarted as integer) > 13 then '4'
        when datepart(year,getdate())-cast(yearstarted as integer) > 5 then '3'
        when datepart(year,getdate())-cast(yearstarted as integer) > 1 then '2'
        else '1'
        end) as phase, *
    FROM mentors 
    WHERE 0=0
    AND mentortype='mentor' 
    AND approved='true' 
    AND active='true' 
    AND mentorcat LIKE '%general%' 
        <cfif arguments.locationFilter neq ""> AND location LIKE <cfqueryparam value="%#arguments.locationFilter#%" /></cfif>
        <cfif arguments.educationFilter neq ""> AND educationhistory LIKE <cfqueryparam value="%#arguments.educationFilter#%" /></cfif>
        <cfif arguments.workFilter neq ""> AND workhistory LIKE <cfqueryparam value="%#arguments.workFilter#%" /></cfif>
        <cfif arguments.diversityFilter eq "Diversity"> AND mentorcat LIKE <cfqueryparam value="%#arguments.diversityFilter#%" /></cfif>
        <cfif arguments.phaseFilter neq ""> AND phase = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.phaseFilter#" /></cfif>
    ORDER BY lastname

I thought I had better show the entire query. 我以为我最好显示整个查询。

try this 尝试这个

    when datepart(year,getdate())-cast(yearstarted as integer) > 29 then '5'
    when datepart(year,getdate())-cast(yearstarted as integer) > 13 then '4'
    when datepart(year,getdate())-cast(yearstarted as integer) > 5 then '3'
    when datepart(year,getdate())-cast(yearstarted as integer) > 1 then '2'
    else '1'
    end) as phase, *
FROM table

EDIT: 编辑:

You need repeat whole case in where 你需要在哪里重复整个案例

AND case 
    when datepart(year,getdate())-cast(yearstarted as integer) > 29 then '5'
    when datepart(year,getdate())-cast(yearstarted as integer) > 13 then '4'
    when datepart(year,getdate())-cast(yearstarted as integer) > 5 then '3'
    when datepart(year,getdate())-cast(yearstarted as integer) > 1 then '2'
    else '1'
    end) = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.phaseFilter#" /></cfif>

Or create Select(your query) where phase = condition 或者创建Select(your query) where phase = condition

Alias in where 别名在哪里

Your syntax is wrong. 你的语法错了。 This code should run: 这段代码应该运行:

                when datepart(year,getdate())-cast(yearstarted as integer) > 29 then '5'
                when datepart(year,getdate())-cast(yearstarted as integer) > 13 then '4'
                when datepart(year,getdate())-cast(yearstarted as integer) > 5 then '3'
                when datepart(year,getdate())-cast(yearstarted as integer) > 1 then '2'
                else '1'
               end AS phase,
       col1, col2, col3, ... -- The list of columns that you want to select
  FROM table)
WHERE plase = ...

When you want to select a case expression, you can define the case expression and then give the column alias using the AS keyword as shown above. 如果要选择案例表达式,可以定义案例表达式,然后使用AS关键字给出列别名,如上所示。

If you want to update the column named phase in a table then your expression (as provided in the question) would be the right one. 如果要更新表中名为phase的列,那么表达式(如问题中所提供的)将是正确的。


For the sake of maintainability, writing the entire CASE construct in the WHERE clause is quite tedious. 为了可维护性,在WHERE子句中编写整个CASE构造非常繁琐。 Instead, use the main query inside an inline view ( SELECT statement in the FROM clause) and filter on phase = ... . 相反,在内联视图中使用主查询( FROM子句中的SELECT语句)并在phase = ...上过滤。

    when datepart(year,getdate())-cast(yearstarted as integer) > 29 then '5'
    when datepart(year,getdate())-cast(yearstarted as integer) > 13 then '4'
    when datepart(year,getdate())-cast(yearstarted as integer) > 5 then '3'
    when datepart(year,getdate())-cast(yearstarted as integer) > 1 then '2'
    else '1'
    end as phase, 
FROM table

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