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[英]JIRA On-Demand Querying by parent

I'm using the On Demand version of Jira. 我正在使用按需版本的Jira。 I need a filter that will show me: 我需要一个过滤器来显示我:

All issues within a particular epic AND all sub tasks of those issues. 特定史诗中的所有问题以及这些问题的所有子任务。

So effectively: 如此有效:

  • Epic 史诗
    • Story 1 故事1
      • Sub Task 1 子任务1
      • Sub Task 2 子任务2
    • Defect 1 缺陷1
    • Story 2 故事2
      • Sub Task 3 子任务3
      • Sub Task 4 子任务4
      • Defect 2 缺陷2

Plugins are not an option here as I'm using the OnDemand version. 由于我使用的是OnDemand版本,因此这里没有插件可供选择。 Any suggestions on how I can achieve the above without having to link all sub tasks to the epic? 关于如何可以实现上述目标而不必将所有子任务链接到史诗的任何建议?

Question is quite old but since 13 January 2017 Jira Cloud (previously OnDemand) supports a parentEpic: 问题已经很老了,但是自2017年1月13日以来,Jira Cloud(以前为OnDemand)就支持parentEpic:

parentEpic = Epic-1

this will find the epic itself, with all the stories/tasks in the epic and their sub-tasks, it was previously not possible without installing add-ons. 这将找到史诗本身,以及史诗中的所有故事/任务及其子任务,而以前如果没有安装附加组件是不可能的。

With JIRA OnDemand, you are severely limited in the kinds of queries you can run. 使用JIRA OnDemand,您可以运行的查询种类受到严重限制。 OnDemand and self-hosted actually have same default JQL features, but the self-hosted does allow for a ton of add-ons for JQL. OnDemand和自托管实际上具有相同的默认JQL功能,但是自托管确实允许大量的JQL附加组件。

I've solved this problem personally by first using the JIRA CLI to get a dump of all the issues in a project into a local CSV. 我已经亲自解决了这个问题,首先使用JIRA CLI将项目中的所有问题转储到本地CSV中。 Then, I use csvkit to make tables/CSV that I actually need (ie All descendant issues of a parent epic). 然后,我使用csvkit制作实际需要的表/ CSV(即,父史诗的所有后代问题)。


project = project name AND "Epic Link" = 'epic name'..

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