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元素的FormData不起作用 - Internet Explorer 10

[英]FormData of element not working - Internet Explorer 10

I am uploading files using jQuery.ajax and everything works perfect in modern browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, except of Internet Explorer 10. 我使用jQuery.ajax上传文件,除了Internet Explorer 10之外,一切在Google Chrome,Mozilla Firefox,Opera等现代浏览器中都很完美。

new FormData($('.uploadForm')[0]) doesnt work in IE10, but if I only try with this piece of code: new FormData($('.uploadForm')) it works...Looks like it does not accept elements at specific index or something? new FormData($('.uploadForm')[0])在IE10中不起作用,但如果我只尝试使用这段代码: new FormData($('.uploadForm'))它可以工作......看起来像它不接受特定指数或其他东西的元素? I dont understand this realy good, that is the reason, why I am searching for help. 我不明白这真的很好,这就是为什么我在寻求帮助的原因。

Does it exist any kind of workaround for this example for IE10? IE10的这个例子是否存在任何变通方法?


var form = new FormData($('.uploadForm')[0]);
config.progressBar.progressWidth = 0;
$('.uploadForm .valueBox').fadeOut('slow',function(){
        url: '../../uploads/some.php',
        type: 'POST',
        xhr: function() {
            var myXhr = $.ajaxSettings.xhr();
                myXhr.upload.onprogress = progress;
            return myXhr;
        success: function (res) {
        data: form,
        cache: false,
        contentType: false,
        processData: false

Peace of some.php code: 和平的some.php代码:

foreach($_FILES["file"]["error"] as $key => $value) {
    if ($value == UPLOAD_ERR_OK){

        $name = $_FILES["file"]["name"][$key];

        $arr_files = getimagesize($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"][$key]); 
        $width = $arr_files[0];
        $height = $arr_files[1];
        $mime = $arr_files['mime'];

        copy($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'][$key], '../uploads/upload/'.$name);

        echo json_encode($_FILES);

IE10 error thrown: SCRIPT5: Access is denied. 抛出IE10错误: SCRIPT5: Access is denied.

Don't pass the files into the constructor, but use append , like: 不要将文件传递给构造函数,而是使用append ,如:

var formData = new FormData();
formData.append('file', $('input[type=file]')[0].files[0]);

This function is working good if need to try this, 如果需要尝试这个功能,这个功能很好用,

Action url code don't given here, just php file upload function but return only -1,0,1,2 for identify the error and success 这里没有给出动作url代码,只是php文件上传功能但只返回-1,0,1,2,用于识别错误和成功

function submitForm(){
    var formObj = $('#multiform');
    var formURL = formObj.attr("action");
    if(window.FormData !== undefined)  // for HTML5 browsers

        var formData = new FormData(formObj[0]);
            url: formURL,
            type: 'POST',
            data:  formData,`enter code here`
            contentType:  false,
            cache: false,
            success: function(data, status){

                $(".uploadSuccessReport").html('Successfully uploaded');
                setTimeout(function() { $('.uploadSuccessReport').hide('slow'); }, 2000);
              }else if(data==0){
                $(".uploadErrorReport").html('Something Error Happen');
               setTimeout(function() { $('.uploadErrorReport').hide('slow'); }, 2000);
              }else if(data==-1){
                $(".uploadErrorReport").html('Already exists, Please chose another one or Rename');
                setTimeout(function() { $('.uploadErrorReport').hide('slow'); }, 2000);
              } else if(data==2){
                $(".uploadErrorReport").html('Invalid File, Please Check file Format');
                setTimeout(function() { $('.uploadErrorReport').hide('slow'); }, 2000);

<form name="imageUpload" action="ajaxupload.php" method="post" id="multiform" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<span class="btn btn-file uploadSpan">Upload <span class="uploading" style="display:none;"><img src="assets/ajax-loader.gif" width="15%"></span>
<input type="file" name="file" id="disabledInput" class="btn-file uploadImage" onchange="submitForm()" />

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