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[英]+ operator in a ternary operator

I am reading John Resig's Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja , and I'm having some trouble understanding how the ternary operator works in this recursive function: 我正在阅读John Resig的《 JavaScript Ninja秘密》 ,并且在理解三元运算符如何在此递归函数中工作时遇到了一些麻烦:

var  ninja = {
  chirp: function signal(n) {
    return n > 1 ? signal(n - 1) + '-chirp' : 'chirp';

How is the + operator working here? +运算符在这里如何工作? I understand it's concatenating the returned strings, but how is signal(n - 1) not interfering with it? 我知道它是串联返回的字符串,但是signal(n - 1)不干扰它呢? At first glance it would appear it's appending the string to the function call. 乍一看似乎是将字符串追加到函数调用中。

The + operator appends -chirp to the result of the function call. +运算符将-chirp附加到函数调用的结果 signal is a recursive function - a function that calls itself. signal是一个递归函数-一个调用自身的函数。

With some parenthesis added, it might become clearer to read: 添加一些括号后,可能会变得更加清晰:

return (n > 1) ? (signal(n - 1) + '-chirp') : ('chirp');

or as a plain if clause: 或作为普通的if子句:

if( n > 1 ) {
  return signal(n - 1) + '-chirp';
} else {
  return 'chirp';

So actually the string -chirp is concatenated with the result of the recursive call to signal() . 因此,实际上,字符串-chirp与对signal()的递归调用的结果串联在一起。

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