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[英]Returning an Array from a Function in C

I'm just making a mess out of this. 我只是搞得一团糟。 I have a function that is supposed to take a one-dimensional array, do some calculations with its values, and then return a similar array with the results of the calculation. 我有一个函数应该采用一维数组,用其值进行一些计算,然后返回一个类似的数组与计算结果。 I don't necessarily care whether it returns the same array (with new values) or if it creates a new array at a different memory location and returns that. 我不一定关心它是否返回相同的数组(使用新值),或者它是否在不同的内存位置创建一个新数组并返回它。 Here is what I've got at the moment. 这就是我现在所拥有的。 There are errors all over this, but I don't know what I am doing wrong. 这一切都有错误,但我不知道我做错了什么。 Can anyone help? 有人可以帮忙吗?

double s  = 10;
double b  = 2.6666;
double r  = 28;

double (*newVertex(double vtx[3] )) [] {

    static double newVtx[3];
    /*  Coordinates  */
    double x = vtx[0];
    double y = vtx[1];
    double z = vtx[2];

    double dt = 0.001;

    double dx = s*(y-x);
    double dy = x*(r-z)-y;
    double dz = x*y - b*z;
    newVtx[0] = x + dt*dx;
    newVtx[1] = y + dt*dy;
    newVtx[2] = z + dt*dz;

    return &newVtx;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int i;

    /* Arrays to hold the coordinates */
    double thisPt[3] = {1, 1, 1};
    double nextPt[3];

    for (i=0;i<1000;i++) {
        printf("%5d %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n", i, thisPt[0], thisPt[1], thisPt[2]);
        nextPt = newVertex(&thisPt);
        thisPt = nextPt;
    return 0;

First of all, your function declaration looks unnecessarily complex to me. 首先,您的函数声明看起来不必要地复杂。

If you're not planning to create a new array, then it should be something like: 如果您不打算创建一个新数组,那么它应该是这样的:

void function_name(double *parameter) {
    // code to change the parameter in place here    

or, if you want to be explicit about the length of the array (see comments for additional info): 或者,如果您想明确数组的长度(请参阅注释以获取更多信息):

#define ARRAY_SIZE 3
void function_name(double parameter[ARRAY_SIZE]) {
    // code to change the parameter in place here    

If you're planning to create a new array, then you could do something like: 如果您打算创建一个新数组,那么您可以执行以下操作:

double * function_name(double *parameter) {
    double *result = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double * number_of_elements));
    // read parameter, write into result
    return result;

The above snippet assumes the number_of_elements is fixed and known. 上面的代码片段假设number_of_elements是固定且已知的。 If it is not, then you need to handle them as additional arguments. 如果不是,那么您需要将它们作为附加参数处理。

Next, this is bad for several reasons: 接下来,这有几个原因:

double (*newVertex(double vtx[3] )) [] {    
    static double newVtx[3];
    // update newVtx    
    return &newVtx;

The return statement returns the address of a local variable. return语句返回局部变量的地址。 In this particular case, the variable is static, so the variable won't be overwritten once the function exits. 在这种特殊情况下,变量是静态的,因此一旦函数退出,变量就不会被覆盖。 But does it really need to be static in the first place? 但它首先真的需要保持静态吗? And is it sufficient for it to be static? 它是静态的足够吗? Think about code like this: 想想这样的代码:

double *v1 = newVertex(old_vertex);
double *v2 = newVertex(old_vertex);

You may be tempted to think you can handle the two vertices individually, but they're pointing to the exact same spot in memory: the location of the static variable. 您可能会认为可以单独处理这两个顶点,但它们指向内存中的完全相同的位置:静态变量的位置。 It's much more common practice to allocate space for the array dynamically (malloc, calloc) and return a pointer to the allocated memory. 更常见的做法是动态地为数组分配空间(malloc,calloc)并返回指向已分配内存的指针。

Here nextPt = newVertex(&thisPt); 这里nextPt = newVertex(&thisPt);

just pass array name 只是传递数组名称

newVertex(thisPt); //array name thispt==&thispt[0]        
thisPt = nextPt; //illegal and remove this line

Your function 你的功能

 void newVertex(double *); //declaration

 void newVertex(double *vtx) //defination
 //donot return array 

print after function call 函数调用后打印

 printf("%5d %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n", i, thisPt[0], thisPt[1], thisPt[2]);

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