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[英]Creating a custom popup with Tinymce

Below is the code for my Tinymce textarea 以下是我的Tinymce textarea的代码

        selector: "textarea",
        height : 350,
            plugins: [
                    "link image lists preview anchor"
        toolbar: " image bold italic | formatselect | undo redo | cut copy paste | bullist numlist | undo redo | link unlink dummyimg | preview",
        menubar: false,
        toolbar_items_size: 'small',
        setup : function(ed) {
        // Add a custom button
        ed.addButton('dummyimg', {
            title : 'Add image',
            image : 'resources/images/img.jpg',
            onclick : function() {
                  ed.selection.setContent('<img src="<%=strWebhost%>/news_cms/resources/images/dummyimg.jpg" />');
                } else{
                  alert("Please select an image.");

        onchange_callback: function(editor) {
            $("#" + editor.id).valid();

I have added a custom button called dummyimg which adds a predefined image into the tinymce container. 我添加了一个名为dummyimg的自定义按钮,它将预定义的图像添加到tinymce容器中。 My requirement is, i need a pop window like the one shown below which enables me to add only a image title using the custom button. 我的要求是,我需要一个如下所示的弹出窗口,这使我能够使用自定义按钮仅添加图像title


Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

this example should get your started: 这个例子应该让你开始:

    menubar : false,
    statusbar : false,
    toolbar: "dummyimg | bold italic underline strikethrough | formatselect | fontsizeselect | bullist numlist | outdent indent blockquote | link image | cut copy paste | undo redo | code",
    plugins : 'advlist autolink link image lists charmap print preview code',
    setup : function(ed) {
        ed.addButton('dummyimg', {
            title : 'Edit Image',
            image : 'img/example.gif',
            onclick : function() {
                    title: 'Edit image',
                    body: [
                        {type: 'textbox', name: 'source', label: 'Source'}
                    onsubmit: function(e) {    
                        ed.selection.setContent('<pre class="language-' + e.data.language + ' line-numbers"><code>' + ed.selection.getContent() + '</code></pre>');

Obviously you'd need to edit the ed.selection.setContent line in the onsubmit to suit your own needs, as well as setting the correct toolbar and plugins settings. 显然,您需要编辑onsubmited.selection.setContent行以满足您自己的需要,以及设置正确的toolbarplugins设置。

While this question is old.. I am replying to your other question ( I can't comment yet). 虽然这个问题很老..我正在回答你的另一个问题(我还不能发表评论)。

"how to get the content of source textbox?" “如何获取源文本框的内容?”

onSubmit: function(e) {

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