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[英]ShowDialog() does not wait for input

Maybe this problem is very easy for some, but it's bugging me. 也许对于某些人来说,这个问题很容易,但是却困扰着我。

The behaviour I am looking for is: - when I select an menu item, a dialog appears; 我正在寻找的行为是:-当我选择一个菜单项时,会出现一个对话框; - after the dialog selection is made, a new form is rendered, according to the selection made -进行对话框选择后,根据所做的选择呈现新表单

This is the code: 这是代码:

        if (this.childForm != null)
            this.childForm = null;

        using (var selectionForm = new SelectTransaction())
            var result = selectionForm.ShowDialog();
            childForm = new TransactionForm(selectionForm.transactionName);
            childForm.TopLevel = false;
            childForm.Location = new Point(0, 0);

The code work as I want in general. 一般而言,代码工作正常。 But from time to time, mostly when making the selection twice in a row, the ShowDialog() does not wait for my input. 但是有时,通常在连续两次进行选择时, ShowDialog()并不等待我的输入。 It goes righ to showing the form. 显示表格很重要。

I tried to create and dispose the selection object myself (instead of using using ) but the same problem occurs. 我尝试自己创建和处理选择对象(而不是使用using ),但是发生了同样的问题。

The dialog result is set in SelectTransaction form. 对话框结果在SelectTransaction表单中设置。 In there I have a combobox and when I select an item, I return the result. 在那里,我有一个combobox ,当我选择一个项目时,我将返回结果。

public partial class SelectTransaction : Form
    public string transactionName;

    public SelectTransaction()

        // The data set is retrieving from a database

        selectTransactionComboBox.Text = " - SELECT TRANSACTION - ";
        for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.Tables["TransactionInfo"].Rows.Count; i++)

    private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        this.transactionName = selectTransactionComboBox.Items[selectTransactionComboBox.SelectedIndex].ToString();

Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? 有人可以告诉我我在做什么错吗?

Sometimes the SelectedIndexChanged-Event can fire while you fill the combobox. 有时,当您填充组合框时,可能会触发SelectedIndexChanged-Event。 Instead use the SelectionChangeCommitted-Event http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.combobox.selectionchangecommitted.aspx 而是使用SelectionChangeCommitted-Event http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/system.windows.forms.combobox.selectionchangecommitted.aspx

Or another solution: Don't add the event listener in your form, just add it after you populate the combobox (after you finished the For-Loop) 或其他解决方案:不要在表单中添加事件侦听器,只需在填充组合框后(在完成前循环之后)添加事件侦听器

selectTransactionComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged

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