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[英]Data not getting Imported to Cassandra using Sqoop from MySql

I have Cassandra, Sqoop and MySql installed in a Linux machine. 我在Linux机器上安装了Cassandra,Sqoop和MySql。

1) Created a small table in MySql, with the below syntax. 1)使用以下语法在MySql中创建一个小表。

test_title VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ( test_id )

2) Tried running sudo dse sqoop import from MySql to Cassandra 2)尝试从MySql运行sudo dse sqoop导入到Cassandra

sudo dse sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql:// --username {username} --password {password} --verbose --table TEST_ONE --cassandra-keyspace TEST_ONE_KS --cassandra-column-family TEST_ONE_CF --cassandra-row-key id --cassandra-thrift-host --cassandra-create-schema

After running for few minutes, it hangs. 运行几分钟后,它就会挂起。 If we check in the back end under the path /var/lib/cassandra/data/ the Keyspace and Column Family exists. 如果我们检查路径/ var / lib / cassandra / data /下的后端,则存在Keyspace和Column Family。 But the data is not getting updated. 但数据没有得到更新。

Not able to figure out what is wrong. 无法弄清楚出了什么问题。

Please help. 请帮忙。

Thank you Achyuth 谢谢Achyuth

So I've recreated your mysql table 所以我重新创建了你的mysql表

mysql> select * from TEST_ONE;
| test_id | test_title |
|       1 | hi         |
|       2 | there      |
|       3 | foo        |
|       4 | bar        |
|       5 | spam       |
|       6 | DSE QA     |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

And used your sqoop command (but i turned on debugging my log4j-server file in the cassandra resources directory) 并使用了你的sqoop命令(但我开启了在cassandra资源目录中调试我的log4j-server文件)

automaton@ip-10-235-42-75:~$ sudo dse/bin/dse sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql:// --username qa --password qapass --verbose --table TEST_ONE --cassandra-keyspace TEST_ONE_KS --cassandra-column-family TEST_ONE_CF --cassandra-row-key id --cassandra-thrift-host --cassandra-create-schema

But I immediately got 但我立刻得到了

14/01/10 17:09:28 INFO mapreduce.ImportJobBase: Beginning import of TEST_ONE
14/01/10 17:09:29 DEBUG mapreduce.DataDrivenImportJob: Using table class: TEST_ONE
14/01/10 17:09:29 DEBUG mapreduce.DataDrivenImportJob: Using InputFormat: class com.cloudera.sqoop.mapreduce.db.DataDrivenDBInputFormat
14/01/10 17:09:29 DEBUG manager.SqlManager: No connection paramenters specified. Using regular API for making connection.
14/01/10 17:09:29 ERROR tool.ImportTool: Encountered IOException running import job: java.io.IOException: The row-key column specified by --cassandra-row-key is not found in the input.
    at org.apache.sqoop.mapreduce.CassandraImportJob.configureOutputFormat(CassandraImportJob.java:133)
    at org.apache.sqoop.mapreduce.ImportJobBase.runImport(ImportJobBase.java:195)
    at org.apache.sqoop.manager.SqlManager.importTable(SqlManager.java:475)
    at org.apache.sqoop.manager.MySQLManager.importTable(MySQLManager.java:108)
    at org.apache.sqoop.tool.ImportTool.importTable(ImportTool.java:403)
    at org.apache.sqoop.tool.ImportTool.run(ImportTool.java:476)
    at org.apache.sqoop.Sqoop.run(Sqoop.java:145)
    at org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner.run(ToolRunner.java:65)
    at org.apache.sqoop.Sqoop.runSqoop(Sqoop.java:181)
    at org.apache.sqoop.Sqoop.runTool(Sqoop.java:220)
    at org.apache.sqoop.Sqoop.runTool(Sqoop.java:229)
    at org.apache.sqoop.Sqoop.main(Sqoop.java:238)
    at com.cloudera.sqoop.Sqoop.main(Sqoop.java:57)

Your cassandra-row-key id is to blame and should be test_id, change it and you're imprt should work. 你的cassandra-row-key id应该是责备,应该是test_id,改变它,你应该工作。 You'll end up with this below. 你最终会得到这个。

cqlsh> select * from "TEST_ONE_KS"."TEST_ONE_CF";

 key | column1    | value
   6 | test_title | DSE QA
   4 | test_title |    bar
   3 | test_title |    foo
   5 | test_title |   spam
   2 | test_title |  there
   1 | test_title |     hi

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