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尝试从Comodo获取SSL证书以用于Google App Engine

[英]Trying to get an SSL certificate from Comodo to work for Google App Engine

I am trying to use a SSL certificate from Comodo on my Google App Engine site. 我正在尝试在Google App Engine网站上使用Comodo的SSL证书。 I generated the key and the CSR with the following command: 我使用以下命令生成了密钥和CSR:

openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout myserver.key -out server.csr

I then gave CSR file to them and they emailed me a CRT back. 然后,我将CSR文件交给他们,他们通过电子邮件将CRT发送给我。 I went to upload the certificate and google asked for a "PEM encoded X.509 certificate" and a "Unencrypted PEM encoded RSA private key" which I assumed were the .CRT and the .KEY files, respectively. 我上载了证书,谷歌要求提供一个“ PEM编码的X.509证书”和一个“未加密的PEM编码的RSA私钥”,我假设它们分别是.CRT和.KEY文件。 But when I try to upload them Google sends me the error message "Both the private key and SSL certificate should be in unencrypted PEM format." 但是,当我尝试上传它们时,Google向我发送了错误消息“私钥和SSL证书均应为未加密的PEM格式。” I'm not sure what's going on. 我不确定发生了什么。 Both files contain the proper begin/end notation, and generally look like they're in PEM format 这两个文件都包含正确的开始/结束符号,并且通常看起来像是PEM格式

这个问题实际上已经被问到并回答了,我很糟糕: Google Apps自定义域SSL出现问题

您需要将私钥转换为未加密的格式,或使用为您执行此操作的网站: https : //www.volcanicpixels.com/

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