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[英]The end of the string was reached with no closing bracket found: NodeJS & Jade

I am beginning my journey down the path of node (following the rolling with mongo tutorial), and have written the following jade file 我开始沿着节点的路径前进(跟随mongo教程滚动 ),并编写了以下玉文件

extends layout
block content
  h1= title
  form( method="post")
        span Title :
        input(type="text", name="title", id="editArticleTitle")
        span Body :
        textarea(name="body", rows=20, id="editArticleBody)// <--- This line!
        input(type="submit", value="Send")

I get The end of the string was reached with no closing bracket found. 我得到The end of the string was reached with no closing bracket found. coming out of the jade character parser. 从玉字符解析器中出来。 It blames the line that is pointed to in the above code. 它归咎于以上代码中所指向的行。 It's certainly possible that I'm missing a bracket, but I'm not seeing where it might be. 我肯定有可能遗漏了一个括号,但没有看到它可能在哪里。

Here's the stack trace: 这是堆栈跟踪:

The end of the string was reached with no closing bracket found.
    at Function.parseMax (/home/me/Documents/node/blog/node_modules/jade/node_modules/character-parser/index.js:26:13)
    at Object.Lexer.bracketExpression (/home/me/Documents/node/blog/node_modules/jade/lib/lexer.js:138:33)
    at Object.Lexer.attrs (/home/me/Documents/node/blog/node_modules/jade/lib/lexer.js:524:24)
    at Object.Lexer.next (/home/me/Documents/node/blog/node_modules/jade/lib/lexer.js:788:15)
    at Object.Lexer.lookahead (/home/me/Documents/node/blog/node_modules/jade/lib/lexer.js:122:46)
    at Object.Parser.lookahead (/home/me/Documents/node/blog/node_modules/jade/lib/parser.js:116:23)
    at Object.Parser.parseTag (/home/me/Documents/node/blog/node_modules/jade/lib/parser.js:618:25)
    at Object.Parser.parseExpr (/home/me/Documents/node/blog/node_modules/jade/lib/parser.js:199:21)
    at Object.Parser.block (/home/me/Documents/node/blog/node_modules/jade/lib/parser.js:593:25)
    at Object.Parser.tag (/home/me/Documents/node/blog/node_modules/jade/lib/parser.js:722:26)

It was late. 天色已晚。 I was missing the closing quote 我错过了结束语

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