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[英]Reading a text file line by line and storing it in an array using batch script

I want to read a text file and store each line in an array. 我想读取一个文本文件并将每一行存储在一个数组中。 When I used the code below, "echo %i%" is printing 0 every time and only array[0] value is getting assigned. 当我使用下面的代码时, "echo %i%"每次都打印0并且只分配了array[0]值。 But in "set n=%i%" , n value is assigned as the last incremented I value.Also "@echo !array[%%i]!" 但是在"set n=%i%"n值被指定为最后一个递增的I值。还有"@echo !array[%%i]!" is printing like !array[0]! 正在打印!array[0]! instead of printing the value. 而不是打印值。 Is there any syntax error in the code? 代码中是否有语法错误?

set /A i=0

for /F %%a in (C:\Users\Admin\Documents\url.txt) do (

set /A i+=1

echo %i%

set array[%i%]=%%a


set n=%i%

for /L %%i in (0,1,%n%) do @echo !array[%%i]!

Here's a method that is useful at times and very similar to your code: 这是一个有时非常有用且与代码非常相似的方法:

@echo off
set "file=C:\Users\Admin\Documents\url.txt"
set /A i=0

for /F "usebackq delims=" %%a in ("%file%") do (
set /A i+=1
call echo %%i%%
call set array[%%i%%]=%%a
call set n=%%i%%

for /L %%i in (1,1,%n%) do call echo %%array[%%i]%%
@echo off &setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /F "delims=" %%a in (C:\Users\Admin\Documents\url.txt) do (
    set /A count+=1
    set "array[!count!]=%%a"
for /L %%i in (1,1,%count%) do echo !array[%%i]!

Inside a code block you need delayed expansion and !variables! 在代码块中,您需要delayed expansion!variables! .

Read set /? set /? description about environment run-time linking. 有关环境运行时链接的说明。 When you are using %i% inside for - it is pre-expanded before for execution. 当您使用%i%里面for -这是预发泡 for执行。 You need to use !i! 你需要使用!i! instead. 代替。

FOR /f "tokens=1*delims=:" %%i IN ('findstr /n /r "$" url.txt') DO SET max=%%i&SET array[%%i]=%%j
FOR /l %%i IN (1,1,%max%) DO CALL ECHO(%%array[%%i]%%

provided no line begins ":" 没有线开始“:”


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