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尽管释放了所有动态内存,Matlab MEX调用中的内存泄漏?

[英]Memory Leak in Matlab MEX call despite freeing all dynamic memory?

Dear stackoverflow community, 尊敬的stackoverflow社区,

I am currently working on a MEX function that itself calls external C++ code. 我目前正在研究本身调用外部C ++代码的MEX函数。 I am calling my MEX function in a double loop in matlab (48 x 48 times) creating a similarity matrix. 我在Matlab的双循环中调用我的MEX函数(48 x 48次),以创建相似性矩阵。 The similarity is calculated by the forementioned MEX function. 通过前述的MEX函数计算相似度。

 * Matlab interface function.
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
        int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {
    if (nrhs < 2) {
        //we need exactly two input strings.
        mexErrMsgTxt("Two input strings are needed!");
    if (nrhs > 5) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("Maximum number of inputs is 5!");
    if (nrhs == 3 || nrhs == 4) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("You are expected to give all three score vectors: for meta, middle and nodes score.");
    if (nlhs != 1) {
        //and we only give one output argument
        mexErrMsgTxt("The fragment distance only provides one output argument!");
    //if possible get score vectors
    if (nrhs == 5) {
        extractScoreVector(prhs, 2, META_SCORENUM, meta_scores);
        extractScoreVector(prhs, 3, MIDDLE_SCORENUM, middle_scores);
        extractScoreVector(prhs, 4, NODES_SCORENUM, nodes_scores);
    } else {
        //otherwise take default scores
        meta_scores[meta_del] = -1;
        meta_scores[meta_ins] = -1;
        meta_scores[meta_match] = 10;
        meta_scores[meta_mismatch] = -2;
        middle_scores[0] = -6;
        middle_scores[1] = -6;
        nodes_scores[nodes_del] = -18;
        nodes_scores[nodes_ins] = -18;
        nodes_scores[nodes_skipl] = 0;
        nodes_scores[nodes_skipr] = 0;

    //get both string inputs.

    std::string firstSeq = getMatlabString(prhs, 0);
    std::string sndSeq = getMatlabString(prhs, 1);

    //split them into node encodings.
    firstNodes = split(firstSeq, '|');
    sndNodes = split(sndSeq, '|');
    //initialize distance table.
    distanceTable = (int**) malloc(sizeof (int *) * firstNodes.size());
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < firstNodes.size(); i++) {
        distanceTable[i] = (int*) malloc(sizeof (int) * sndNodes.size());
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < sndNodes.size(); j++) {
            distanceTable[i][j] = -1;

    //construct input for nodes alignment: nodes are only represented by index with normed length to 3 (instead of index 1 we append 001).
    std::stringstream nodesInput;

    //first the node indices of the first fragment.
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < firstNodes.size(); i++) {
        int magnitude = getMagnitude(i);
        for (int j = 0; j < 3 - magnitude; j++) {
            nodesInput << '0';
        nodesInput << i << '|';
    //then an @
    nodesInput << '@';
    //then the reversed indices of the second fragment with normed length to 3 (instead of index 1 we append 001).
    for (int i = sndNodes.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        int magnitude = getMagnitude(i);
        for (int j = 0; j < 3 - magnitude; j++) {
            nodesInput << '0';
        nodesInput << i << '|';
    nodesInput << '\0';

    //call nodes alignment.

    char* nodes_argv[2];
    //fake program name, dummy string
    nodes_argv[0] = (char*) "nodes";
    //actual input. The stringstream string has to be bound to a constant string
    //reference in order to prevent damage to the string behind it. a string stream
    //usually only protects its memory until the string is first evaluated.
    //this special construct prevents the memory from being overwritten.
    const std::string& tmp = nodesInput.str();
    nodes_argv[1] = const_cast<char*> (tmp.c_str());

    //call nodes alignment.
    gapc::Opts opts;
    try {
        //parse inputs
        opts.parse(2, nodes_argv);
    } catch (std::exception &e) {
        std::cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << '\n';
    nodes obj;

    try {
    } catch (std::exception &e) {
        std::cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << '\n';


    gapc::return_type res = obj.run();

    //free distance table memory.
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < firstNodes.size(); i++) {

    //clear the node vectors

    //Version for simple score return value
    //plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleScalar(res);

    //Version for string return value
    std::stringstream nodeOutput;
    obj.print_result(nodeOutput, res);
    const std::string& outStr = nodeOutput.str();
    plhs[0] = mxCreateString(outStr.c_str());

The external code is the gapc::opts and nodes obj part. 外部代码是gapc :: opts和节点obj部分。 Until now there are no known memory leak problems with the external code, so I am guessing that the problem is with me in the code I sent here. 到目前为止,外部代码没有已知的内存泄漏问题,所以我猜测问题出在我发送给我的代码中。 Unfortunately I am not able to find the mistake. 不幸的是我找不到错误。 I tried to free about any variable manually that is mentioned in the code, but this always lead to a MATLAB crash (As I see it Matlab tries to free the variables itself and crashes if there are not in memory anymore). 我试图手动释放代码中提到的任何变量,但这总是导致MATLAB崩溃(据我所知,Matlab试图释放变量本身,如果内存中不再有该变量,则崩溃)。

The memory leak is critical here: After about 7 steps in the loop there is already about 1 GB RAM occupied and it goes up to about 13 GB RAM in my test case. 内存泄漏在这里很关键:在循环中执行大约7个步骤后,已经占用了大约1 GB RAM,在我的测试案例中,它上升到了大约13 GB RAM。 This is not plausible for the program so a memory leak seems very probable. 这对于程序来说是不合理的,因此似乎很有可能发生内存泄漏。

I also tried to find a fix in stackoverflow but everything mentioned here does not seem applicable to my scenario. 我还尝试在stackoverflow中找到修复程序,但此处提到的所有内容似乎都不适用于我的情况。

As the memory leak is very huge the variables that are most plausible (as they contain the most content) are firstSeq, sndSeq, firstNodes, sndNodes, distanceTable, opts and obj. 由于内存泄漏非常大,最合理的变量(因为它们包含的内容最多)是firstSeq,sndSeq,firstNodes,sndNodes,distanceTable,opts和obj。

So my questions are: 所以我的问题是:

  1. Have I forgotten to free one of those variables? 我是否忘记释放这些变量之一?
  2. Do you see something else that could cause a memory leak in the code? 您是否看到其他可能导致代码泄漏的信息?
  3. How can I fix that? 我该如何解决?

As far as my research goes the objects don't have to be freed as they are managed automatically. 就我的研究而言,由于对象是自动管理的,因此不必释放对象。 Still: Somewhere memory has to be leaking. 尽管如此:内存必须泄漏。

/edit /编辑

As requested I provide also the code of my helper functions. 根据要求,我还提供了辅助函数的代码。 Please note that the functions "nodes_score", "meta_score" and "node_distance" are called from external functions that I call within the code using obj.run(). 请注意,函数“ nodes_score”,“ meta_score”和“ node_distance”是从我使用obj.run()在代码内调用的外部函数调用的。

//using namespace std;

 * This solution for the split problem is taken from
 * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/236129/splitting-a-string-in-c
std::vector<std::string> &split(const std::string &s, char delim, std::vector<std::string> &elems) {
    std::stringstream ss(s);
    std::string item;
    while (std::getline(ss, item, delim)) {
    return elems;

std::vector<std::string> split(const std::string &s, char delim) {
    std::vector<std::string> elems;
    split(s, delim, elems);
    return elems;

//These vectors are global and contain the string encoding of the nodes for
//each fragment.
std::vector<std::string> firstNodes;
std::vector<std::string> sndNodes;
//this table contains the node distances for each combination of nodes.
int** distanceTable;

std::map<int, std::string> constructMetaMap(std::string nodeStr) {

    //get the single meta information strings
    std::vector<std::string> metaInfoStrs = split(nodeStr, '*');
    //initialize the map mapping meta information indices to the respective meta information content.
    std::map<int, std::string> metaMap;

    for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator metaInfoStr = metaInfoStrs.begin(); metaInfoStr != metaInfoStrs.end(); ++metaInfoStr) {
        //string stream for the meta info index.
        std::stringstream idxStream;
        int metaContentIdx = 1;
        for (std::string::iterator metaInfoChar = (*metaInfoStr).begin(); metaInfoChar != (*metaInfoStr).end(); ++metaInfoChar) {
            if (*metaInfoChar == '#') {
                //if we have finished looking for the current index, store the new map entry.
                int metaIdx;
                idxStream >> metaIdx;
                metaMap[metaIdx] = (*metaInfoStr).substr(metaContentIdx);
            } else {
                //otherwise store the current char and increment the start index of the actual meta info content.
                idxStream << *metaInfoChar;
    return metaMap;

const int MIDDLE_SCORENUM = 2;

int middle_scores[MIDDLE_SCORENUM];

 * Emulates a call to meta alignment.
 * The node distance is defined as the sum over the distance between all meta
 * informations. If for a certain keyword no meta information exists in one of
 * the fragments a negative score is appended.
int node_distance(unsigned int firstNodeIndex, unsigned int sndNodeIndex) {

    //check if the distance was already calculated.
    if (distanceTable[firstNodeIndex][sndNodeIndex] != -1) {
        return distanceTable[firstNodeIndex][sndNodeIndex];

    //construct maps of keyword indices to meta information content.
    std::map<int, std::string> firstMetaMap = constructMetaMap(firstNodes[firstNodeIndex]);
    std::map<int, std::string> sndMetaMap = constructMetaMap(sndNodes[sndNodeIndex]);

    int node_distance_score = 0;
    //iterate over the first map.
    for (std::map<int, std::string>::const_iterator metaEntry = firstMetaMap.begin(); metaEntry != firstMetaMap.end(); ++metaEntry) {
        const int metaInfoIdx = metaEntry -> first;
        //if we don't have a value to that index in the second map, punish that.
        if (sndMetaMap.count(metaInfoIdx) == 0) {
            node_distance_score += middle_scores[0];
        } else {
            //otherwise do an alignment of the meta information.
            //and construct the input argument string array
            std::string sndMetaStr = sndMetaMap[metaInfoIdx];
            std::reverse(sndMetaStr.begin(), sndMetaStr.end());

            std::stringstream metaInput;
            metaInput << metaEntry -> second;
            metaInput << '@';
            metaInput << sndMetaStr;
            metaInput << '\0';

            char* argv[2];
            //fake program name, dummy string
            argv[0] = (char*) "meta";
            //actual input. The stringstream string has to be bound to a constant string
            //reference in order to prevent damage to the string behind it. a string stream
            //usually only protects its memory until the string is first evaluated.
            //this special construct prevents the memory from being overwritten.
            const std::string& tmp = metaInput.str();
            argv[1] = const_cast<char*> (tmp.c_str());

            //call meta alignment.
            gapc::Opts opts;
            try {
                opts.parse(2, argv);
            } catch (std::exception &e) {
                std::cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << '\n';
            meta obj;

            try {
            } catch (std::exception &e) {
                std::cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << '\n';


            int metaScore = obj.run();
            node_distance_score += metaScore;
    //iterate over the second map
    for (std::map<int, std::string>::const_iterator metaEntry = sndMetaMap.begin(); metaEntry != sndMetaMap.end(); ++metaEntry) {
        const int metaInfoIdx = metaEntry -> first;
        //if we don't have a value to that index in the second map, punish that.
        if (firstMetaMap.count(metaInfoIdx) == 0) {
            node_distance_score += middle_scores[1];
        //otherwise do nothing.
    //store the result in the table.
    distanceTable[firstNodeIndex][sndNodeIndex] = node_distance_score;
    //clear the maps

    return node_distance_score;

const int META_SCORENUM = 6;
const int NODES_SCORENUM = 4;

int meta_scores[META_SCORENUM];
int nodes_scores[NODES_SCORENUM];

 * Returns the score for a given operation
int meta_score(meta_score_type type) {
    return meta_scores[(int) type];

 * Returns the score for a given operation
int nodes_score(nodes_score_type type) {
    return nodes_scores[(int) type];

// Utility function for extracting string inputs

std::string getMatlabString(const mxArray *prhs[], int strIndex) {
    const mxArray *strData = prhs[strIndex];
    int strLength = mxGetN(prhs[strIndex]) + 1;
    char *buf = mxArrayToString(strData);
    std::string s(buf);
    return s;

//Utility function for extracting the score vector.

void extractScoreVector(const mxArray *prhs[], int vecIdx, int scorelength, int scoreVec[]) {
    const mxArray *vecData;
    double *singleVals;
    int rowLen, colLen;

    //Copy input pointer
    vecData = prhs[vecIdx];

    //Get matrix
    singleVals = (double*) mxGetPr(vecData);
    rowLen = mxGetN(vecData);
    colLen = mxGetM(vecData);

    //we don't care if it is a column or row vector but it has to be a
    //SCORENUM x 1 vector.
    if ((rowLen == 1 && colLen == scorelength) || (rowLen == scorelength && colLen == 1)) {
        for (int i = 0; i < scorelength; i++) {
            scoreVec[i] = (int) singleVals[i];
    } else {
        mexErrMsgTxt("The score vector has the wrong number of entries!");

int getMagnitude(int number) {
    if (number == 0) {
        return 1;
    int magn = 0;
    while (number > 0) {
        number = number / 10;
    return magn;

You're leaking memory in both the statements below: 您在以下两个语句中都泄漏了内存:

//get both string inputs.
std::string firstSeq(getMatlabString(prhs, 0));
std::string sndSeq(getMatlabString(prhs, 1));

getMatlabString is allocating memory for the strings, and returning a pointer to the allocated memory. getMatlabString正在为字符串分配内存,并返回指向已分配内存的指针。 You're copying the contents of the string that pointer points to, but you never free the memory after that. 您正在复制指针指向的字符串的内容,但是此后再也不会释放内存。 This also explains why clear mex_filename; 这也解释了为什么clear mex_filename;原因clear mex_filename; is fixing the issue, because MATLAB will automatically free memory allocated via mxMalloc and friends when the MEX file gets unloaded. 正在解决此问题,因为当MEX文件被卸载时,MATLAB将自动释放通过mxMalloc和好友分配的内存。 I'd rewrite the getMatlabString function as 我将getMatlabString函数重写为

std::string getMatlabString(const mxArray *prhs[], int strIndex) {
    const mxArray *strData = prhs[strIndex];
    int strLength = mxGetN(prhs[strIndex]) + 1;
    std::unique_ptr<char[], void(*)(char *)> 
      buf( static_cast<char *>(mxCalloc(strLength, sizeof(char))),
           []( char *p ) { mxFree(p); } );

    mxGetString(strData, buf.get(), strLength);
    return std::string(buf.get());

If your compiler does not support unique_ptr and lambda expressions, you can replace that part with a vector<char> . 如果您的编译器不支持unique_ptr和lambda表达式,则可以用vector<char>替换该部分。

Also, as I mentioned in the comments I'd change distanceTable to vector<vector<int>> distanceTable; 另外,正如我在评论中提到的,我将distanceTable更改为vector<vector<int>> distanceTable; . Call vector::resize() to set the size to whatever you need, and if that variable must be global, swap with a temporary vector after you're done using it to free memory. 调用vector::resize()以将大小设置为所需的大小,如果该变量必须是全局变量,请在使用完它以释放内存后与临时向量交换。


To use vector<char> above instead of unique_ptr 要使用上面的vector<char>而不是unique_ptr

std::string getMatlabString(const mxArray *prhs[], int strIndex) {
    const mxArray *strData = prhs[strIndex];
    int strLength = mxGetN(prhs[strIndex]) + 1;
    std::vector<char> buf( strLength, 0 );

    mxGetString(strData, &buf[0], strLength);
    return std::string(&buf[0]);

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