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具有多重继承的C ++ dynamic_cast

[英]C++ dynamic_cast with multiple inheritance

Is possible to get object through dynamic_cast using multiple-inheritance ? 可以使用多重继承通过dynamic_cast获取对象吗? I prefer to skip compositional trick due to designing issue I have. 由于我的设计问题,我更喜欢跳过组合技巧。 Thanks, 谢谢,

#include <stdio.h>

    template <typename T>
    class Beta
        Beta() { printf("Beta\n"); }
        virtual ~Beta() { printf("~Beta\n"); }
        virtual void Run() = 0;


    class Alpha
        Alpha() { printf("Alpha\n"); }
        virtual ~Alpha() { printf("~Alpha\n"); }
        virtual void Check() = 0;

        template <typename T>
        Beta<T>* GetBeta()
            Beta<T>* b = dynamic_cast< Beta<T>* >(this);

            if(b == NULL) printf("NULL !!\n");

            return b;

    template <typename T>
    class Theta : public Alpha, Beta<T>

        void Run()
            printf("Run !\n");

        void Check()
            printf("Check !\n");


int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
    Alpha* alpha = new Theta<int>();
    Beta<int>* beta = alpha->GetBeta<int>();


    if(beta) beta->Run();

    delete alpha;
    return 0;

The result from above code is 上面代码的结果是

Alpha Beta NULL !! Alpha Beta NULL !! Check ! 检查! ~Beta ~Alpha ~Beta~Alpha

Well, if I replace: 好吧,如果我更换:

public Alpha, Beta<T>

with: 有:

public Alpha, public Beta<T>

Things will work. 事情会奏效。 There is always a devil in the details... 细节总是有魔鬼......

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