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[英]Form validation with SELECT field using Jquery

Jquery Isn't alerting me when their is no value selected from the Rating form. 当没有从“评分”表单中选择它们的值时,jQuery不会提醒我。 Would it be because selected="selected" is actually being seen as a value to jquery ? 是因为selected =“ selected”实际上被视为jquery的值吗?

  <label for="rating">Rating</label>
    <select id="rating" name="rating" />
        <option selected="selected" disabled="disabled">Select a Rating</option>
        <option value="Terrible">Terrible</option>
        <option value="Fair">Fair</option>
        <option value="Ok">Ok</option>
        <option value="Good">Good</option>
        <option value="Excellent">Excellent</option>


        // No value for movie_title
        if ($('#movie_title').val() == "" ) {
            alert ("No Film");

        // No Value for actor
        if ($('#leading_name').val() == "") {
            alert ("No actor");

        // No value for rating
        if ($('#rating').val() == "") {
            alert ("No Rating");

        //No value for review
        if ($('#review').val() == "") {
            alert ("No review");

    // Focus on first form field.


That's because the default value will be the text if no value is specified. 这是因为如果未指定任何值,则默认值为文本。

Give a value of 0 to your default option and check against that: 将默认值设为0 ,然后进行检查:

<option selected="selected" value=0 disabled="disabled">Select a Rating</option>

$('#rating').val() returns null : $('#rating').val()返回null

http://jsfiddle.net/KFpFq/ http://jsfiddle.net/KFpFq/

Adding a value attribute doesn't appear to work in Chrome, though checking for null does. 尽管检查是否为null ,但在Chrome中似乎无法添加value属性。

console.log($('#rating').val()); //null
console.log($('#rating').val() == "0"); //false
console.log($('#rating').val() == null); //true

您可以使用本机selectedIndex查找第一个选择的索引-https: //developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLSelectElement

if($('#rating').get(0).selectedIndex === 0){alert("first item")}

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