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如何从iOS 7中的WebApp打开Safari

[英]How to open Safari from a WebApp in iOS 7

In previous versions of iOS, <a> tags would open Mobile Safari, and you had to intercept those to instead stay inside the webapp (an HTML page that has been saved to the home screen by the user). 在以前版本的iOS中, <a>标签会打开Mobile Safari,您必须截取这些标签,而不是留在webapp(用户已保存到主屏幕的HTML页面)中。

Starting in iOS 7, all links are staying inside the WebApp. 从iOS 7开始,所有链接都保留在WebApp中。 I cannot figure out how to get it to open Safari, when I really want it to. 当我真的想要它时,我无法弄清楚如何让它打开Safari。

I've tried using window.open and a target="_blank" but neither works. 我尝试过使用window.opena target="_blank"但是都没有用。

Here is a sample. 这是一个例子。 https://s3.amazonaws.com/kaontest/testopen/index.html https://s3.amazonaws.com/kaontest/testopen/index.html

If you save that to your home screen in iOS 6, the link opens Safari. 如果您将其保存到iOS 6的主屏幕,该链接将打开Safari。 But in iOS 7, it doesn't. 但是在iOS 7中,它没有。

Note that this is the OPPOSITE question that everyone is usually asking ("how to NOT open Safari"). 请注意,这是每个人通常都会问的“对话”问题(“如何不打开Safari”)。 That behavior seems to be the new default, and I can't figure out how to get the old behavior back! 这种行为似乎是新的默认行为,我无法弄清楚如何恢复旧的行为!

Update 10/23/13: Fixed in iOS 7.0.3. 2013年3月23日更新:已在iOS 7.0.3中修复。 Add a target="xxx" attribute to your links to do this. 在您的链接中添加target =“xxx”属性即可执行此操作。 Also works with mailto: and friends. 也适用于mailto:和朋友。

This is a bug in iOS 7.0, 7.0.1 and 7.0.2 and there's no known way to do this. 这是iOS 7.0,7.0.1和7.0.2中的一个错误,并且没有已知的方法来执行此操作。

It's a regression from earlier versions of iOS, where links that open in Safari work just fine. 这是从早期版本的iOS回归,在Safari中打开的链接工作得很好。 It appears to be a part of a cluster of problems revolving around opening URLs, with no external URL schemes working (for example "mailto:" doesn't work either). 它似乎是围绕打开URL的一系列问题的一部分,没有外部URL方案工作(例如“mailto:”也不起作用)。

The usual suspects of working around a problem like this unfortunately don't work (for example using a form and submitting it with a target of "_new"). 不幸的是,解决这类问题的常见嫌疑人不起作用(例如使用表格并以“_new”的目标提交)。

There's other grave issues, like alert and confirm modal dialogs not working at all. 还有其他严重问题,例如警报和确认模态对话框根本不起作用。

It may help to submit these as bugs to Apple, http://bugreport.apple.com 可能有助于将这些错误提交给Apple, http://bugreport.apple.com

使用带有目标_blank的锚标记将在iOS 7.0.3中工作,但使用window.open将无法工作,并将继续在7.0.3中的webview中打开:

window.open('http://www.google.com/', '_blank');

This is a known issue for the last couple months of betas. 对于过去几个月的测试来说,这是一个众所周知的问题。 There are no work arounds, and from what I can tell Apple has been silent on any ETAs on fixes, or even recognizing it's a bug. 没有解决方法,从我可以看出,Apple已经对任何修复的ETA保持沉默,甚至认识到它是一个错误。 Bug reports have been submitted, but not updated/responded to. 错误报告已提交,但未更新/回复。

More: http://www.mobilexweb.com/blog/safari-ios7-html5-problems-apis-review 更多: http//www.mobilexweb.com/blog/safari-ios7-html5-problems-apis-review

I found two solutions for the time being to this problem, both of which obviously using preventDefault on the external links. 我找到了暂时解决这个问题的两个解决方案,两个显然都在外部链接上使用了preventDefault

If you're linking to another website or something to download, the only option I see is to ironically alert the user to hold their finger on the link to get the touch callout prompt. 如果你要链接到另一个网站或要下载的东西,我看到的唯一选择就是讽刺地警告用户将手指放在链接上以获得触摸标注提示。 Then again, depending if it's a website or a PDF, instruct them to either copy the link or in the case of a PDF, add it to their reading list. 然后,根据它是网站还是PDF,指示他们复制链接,或者在PDF的情况下,将其添加到他们的阅读列表中。 Since the alert and confirm modals are also broken you'll need to implement your own modal notifications. 由于警报和确认模态也被破坏,您需要实现自己的模态通知。 If you already have that it shouldn't be that much trouble. 如果你已经拥有它应该不会那么麻烦。

Update [2013-10-25] Apparently it's been fixed in iOS 7.0.3 and links open in Safari... 更新 [2013-10-25]显然它已在iOS 7.0.3中修复,并在Safari中打开链接...

Edit [2013-10-05] Here's pretty much what I use with a jQuery UI modal 编辑 [2013-10-05]这是我使用jQuery UI模式的几乎所有内容

// iOS 7 external link polyfill
$('a[rel=external], a[rel=blank], a[target=_blank], a[href$=".pdf"]').on('click', function(e) {

  if (navigator.standalone && /iP(hone|od|ad) OS 7/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
    e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation();

    var href = $(this).attr('href');

    var $dialog = $('<div id="ios-copy"></div>')
      .html('<p>iOS 7 prevents us from opening external links in Safari, you can continue to the address and risk losing all navigation or you can copy the address to your clipboard by <strong>holding your finger on the link</strong> for a few seconds.</p><p><a style="background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.75); color: #fff; font-size: 1.25em; padding: 1em;" href="' + href + '">' + href + '</a></p>')
        title: 'External link',
        modal: true,
        buttons: {
          Ok: function() {
            $( this ).dialog( "close" );

The other workaround is using ajax or an iframe to load the external content, but unless you have a good sub-browser or something in your app it will look sketchy. 另一种解决方法是使用ajax或iframe加载外部内容,但除非您的应用程序中有一个好的子浏览器或其他内容,否则它将显得粗略。 Here's something along those lines. 以下是这些内容。

// iOS 7 external link polyfill
if (/iP(hone|od|ad) OS 7/.test(navigator.userAgent) && window.navigator.standalone) {
  $('a[rel=external], a[href$=".pdf"]').on('click', function(e) {
    e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation();

    var link = this;
    var href = $(link).attr('href');

    var frameContainer = $('<div></div>').css({
      position: 'absolute',
      left: 10,
      top: $(link).position().top,
      opacity: 0,
      overflow: 'scroll',
      '-webkit-overflow-scrolling': 'touch',
      height: 520,
      transition: 'opacity .25s',
      width: 300

    var iosFrame = $('<iframe class="iosFrame" seamless="seamless" width="1024" height="5000"></iframe>')
      .attr('src', href)
        height: 5000,
        'max-width': 1024,
        width: 1024,
        overflow: 'scroll !important',
        '-webkit-overflow-scrolling': 'touch !important'

    var iosFrameClose = $('<a href="#"><i class="icon-cancel icon-remove icon-3x"></i></a>').css({
      position: 'absolute',
      left: -10,
      top: $(link).position().top - 20,
      'text-shadow': '1px 1px 1px #000',
      transition: 'opacity .25s',
      opacity: 0,
      '-webkit-transform': 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
      width: '3em',
      height: '3em'
    }).on('click', function(e) {
      setTimeout( function() {
      }, 250);


      '-webkit-transform': 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)'

    // Show this thing
    setTimeout( function() {
      $(frameContainer).css({ opacity: 1 });
      $(iosFrameClose).css({ opacity: 1 });
    }, 1);

UPDATE Just wanted to let any one following this know that iOS 7.0.3 seems to fix the issue. 更新只是想让任何人知道iOS 7.0.3似乎解决了这个问题。 I've keep standalone webapps saved for testing and the update released today restored external link/app functionality. 我保留了独立的webapps进行测试,今天发布的更新恢复了外部链接/应用程序功能。 So I've updated my code to let customers know to update their phones instead of deleting and re saving the web app. 所以我更新了我的代码,让客户知道更新他们的手机,而不是删除和重新保存网络应用程序。

I was going to just add a comment but apparently this is too long. 我只想添加评论,但显然这太长了。

Apple set the stage for a WebApp world when they allowed chromeless webapps to be saved to the homescreen of the device. 当Apple允许无格式的webapps保存到设备的主屏幕时,Apple为WebApp世界奠定了基础。 This "bug" feels like a major step backwards. 这个“虫子”感觉就像向后退了一步。 It doesn't seem very apple to leave such a gapping bug in a final release. 在最终版本中留下这样的间隙错误似乎并非如此。 At least not one that, once they become aware of it, they don't publicly state they are working on a fix for it like they did with the lockscreen bypasses. 至少没有一个,一旦他们意识到这一点,他们就不会公开声明他们正在努力修复它,就像他们使用锁屏旁路一样。 I can't help that this feels intentional though there doesn't seem to be a clear reason why. 虽然似乎并没有明确的原因,但我感到无比感到有意。

For developers dealing with this issue the only solution I could find was to 对于处理此问题的开发人员,我能找到的唯一解决方案是

1st) Set the meta tag apple-mobile-web-app-capable to "no" - this prevents future users from dealing with the problem 1)将元标记apple-mobile-web-app设置为“no” - 这可以防止未来的用户处理问题

2nd) Updated the code in our webapp to look for "standalone" and iOS version 7+. 2)更新了我们的webapp中的代码,以寻找“独立”和iOS版本7+。 When conditions are meet I offered a popup that stated the issue and added a link to that page and asked the users for their forgivness and requested they copy the link and paste in in safari. 当条件满足时,我提供了一个弹出窗口,说明了问题,并添加了该页面的链接,并询问用户他们的原谅,并要求他们复制链接并粘贴到safari中。

I wrapped the link in edge to edge tag with line breaks above and bellow to help make the copy and pasting process of the url a bit easier. 我将链接包装在边缘到边缘的标签上,上面有换行符,并且下面有助于使URL的复制和粘贴过程更容易一些。

2013年10月22日发布的iOS v7.0.3修复了这个问题。

window.open('http://www.google.com/'); // stays in web app view

<a href='http://www.google.com/' target='_blank'>Click Here</a> // opens in safari

If you want to open Safari, but using an anchor tag like this isn't possible for whatever reason, the JavaScript solution to this question will open in Safari as well . 如果你想打开Safari,但由于某种原因无法使用这样的锚标签,这个问题的JavaScript解决方案也将在Safari中打开

It looks suspiciously like an intentional bug to limit the ability of web apps to deliver advertisements. 它看起来像是一个故意的错误,限制了网络应用程序提供广告的能力。 Maybe you can try open the new page in an iframe. 也许您可以尝试在iframe中打开新页面。

EDIT: Sorry, I misread your original problem. 编辑:对不起,我误解了你原来的问题。 This solution was for opening an external website at all. 这个解决方案是为了打开一个外部网站。 Basic A href tags used to work in opening links and stopped working in iOS7. Basic A href标签用于打开链接并在iOS7中停止工作。 This was the only way I could get it to open an external link at all. 这是我完全打开外部链接的唯一方法。

Here's how I got it to sort of work with a webapp saved to desktop in iOS7. 以下是我在iOS7中使用保存到桌面的webapp的工作方式。

function openpage()
window.open('http://www.yourlinkhere.com', '_blank');

... ...

<a ontouchstart="openpage();" onclick="openpage();">LINKED TEXT</a>

The issue though is that it seems to ignore the target option and it opens it in the same full screen desktop webapp and there is no way to navigate back that I can see. 但问题是,它似乎忽略了目标选项,并在相同的全屏桌面webapp中打开它,并且无法导航回我可以看到的内容。

window.open('http://www.google.com/', '_system');

this will open native Safari Application even on latest version of iOS... 这将打开本地Safari应用程序,即使在最新版本的iOS上...

Happy coding!! 快乐的编码!!

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