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eval(解析(text = x))函数内部,如何在全局环境中进行求值?

[英]eval(parse(text=x)) inside a function, how to evaluate in global environment?

I'm trying to write a function that generates a vector of strings, each of which are evaluated as expressions in the global environment. 我正在尝试编写一个生成字符串向量的函数,每个函数都被评估为全局环境中的表达式。 The problem is that eval(parse(text=x)) only evaluates inside the function's environment. 问题是eval(parse(text = x))仅在函数环境中进行求值。

As a hypothetical example, say that I want to replace several variables' values with NA, but only if they're below a certain cutoff value. 作为一个假设的例子,假设我想用NA替换几个变量的值,但前提是它们低于某个截止值。

df <- as.data.frame(matrix(runif(25), nrow=5, ncol=5))
         V1         V2        V3        V4         V5
1 0.5337724 0.83929374 0.4543649 0.3072981 0.46036069
2 0.5837650 0.71160009 0.6492529 0.5667674 0.09874701
3 0.5895783 0.09650122 0.1537271 0.1317879 0.20659381
4 0.6910399 0.52382473 0.6492887 0.9221776 0.92233983
5 0.6673315 0.23535054 0.3832137 0.6463296 0.31942681

cutoff.V1 <- 0.9
cutoff.V2 <- 0.5
cutoff.V3 <- 0.1
cutoff.V4 <- 0.7
cutoff.V5 <- 0.4

Rather than copy-and-pasting the same line over and over, changing the same text in each line... 而不是一遍又一遍地复制和粘贴相同的行,改变每行中的相同文本......

df$V1[df$V1 < cutoff.V1] <- NA
df$V2[df$V2 < cutoff.V2] <- NA
df$V3[df$V3 < cutoff.V3] <- NA
df$V4[df$V4 < cutoff.V4] <- NA
df$V5[df$V5 < cutoff.V5] <- NA
# ad infinitum...

...I'm trying to have R do it for me: ......我想让R为我做这件事:

vars <- c("V1", "V2", "V3", "V4", "V5")

variable.queue <- function(vec, placeholder, command) {
  x <- vector()
  for(i in 1:length(vec)) { 
    x[i] <- gsub(placeholder, vec[i], command) 

commands <- variable.queue(vars, "foo", "df$foo[df$foo < cutoff.foo] <- NA")
for(i in 1:length(commands)) {eval(parse(text=commands[i]))}


  V1        V2        V3        V4        V5
1 NA 0.8392937 0.4543649        NA 0.4603607
2 NA 0.7116001 0.6492529        NA        NA
3 NA        NA 0.1537271        NA        NA
4 NA 0.5238247 0.6492887 0.9221776 0.9223398
5 NA        NA 0.3832137        NA        NA

# FYI the object "commands" is the vector of strings that I want evaluated

[1] "df$V1[df$V1 < cutoff.V1] <- NA" "df$V2[df$V2 < cutoff.V2] <- NA" "df$V3[df$V3 < cutoff.V3] <- NA"
[4] "df$V4[df$V4 < cutoff.V4] <- NA" "df$V5[df$V5 < cutoff.V5] <- NA"

This solution works, but I want to put the last for-loop INSIDE the function. 这个解决方案有效,但我想把最后一个for循环INSIDE放在函数中。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

Edit: Thanks, Kevin. 编辑:谢谢,凯文。 Here's the "functional" version (bwahaha, I just can't help myself sometimes): 这是“功能”版本(bwahaha,我有时无法帮助自己):

variable.queue <- function(vec, placeholder, command) {
  x <- vector()
  for(i in 1:length(vec)) { 
    x[i] <- gsub(placeholder, vec[i], command) 
  for(i in 1:length(x)) {
    eval(parse(text=x[i]), envir= .GlobalEnv)

variable.queue(vars, "foo", "df$foo[df$foo < cutoff.foo] <- NA")

There has to be a better solution. 必须有一个更好的解决方案。 Eg, for your example, this works: 例如,对于您的示例,这适用:

df <- as.data.frame(matrix(runif(25), nrow=5, ncol=5))
cutoff <- c(0.9,0.5,0.1,0.7,0.4)

df[mapply("<", df,cutoff)] <- NA

df[sweep(df,2,cutoff,"<")] <- NA

#or even
df[df < rep(cutoff,each=nrow(df))] <- NA

Which all give: 这一切都给了:

> df
  V1        V2        V3        V4        V5
1 NA 0.8392937 0.4543649        NA 0.4603607
2 NA 0.7116001 0.6492529        NA        NA
3 NA        NA 0.1537271        NA        NA
4 NA 0.5238247 0.6492887 0.9221776 0.9223398
5 NA        NA 0.3832137        NA        NA

eval has an argument, envir , that allows you to specify the environment in which you want to evaluate your expression. eval有一个参数envir ,它允许您指定要在其中评估表达式的环境。 So, 所以,

eval(parse(text=command[i]), envir=.GlobalEnv)

should hopefully work. 应该有希望工作。

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