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发件人是群组电子邮件时出现 Outlook VBA 错误

[英]Outlook VBA Error when sender is group email

I have the following to identify the Sender email address and Name (which I then store for later use):我有以下信息来识别发件人电子邮件地址和姓名(然后我将其存储以备后用):

strSender = itm.Sender.GetExchangeUser().PrimarySmtpAddress
strSenderName = itm.Sender

This works fine, but when a group email address is used (ie one that multiple users can send emails from, eg customerservice@company.com), I get an error message like this:这工作正常,但是当使用组电子邮件地址时(即多个用户可以发送电子邮件的地址,例如 customerservice@company.com),我收到如下错误消息:

Run-time error '91':运行时错误“91”:
Object variable or With block variable not set对象变量或未设置块变量

Any idea how to resolve this?知道如何解决这个问题吗?

Full script:完整脚本:

Public Sub saveAcct(itm As Outlook.MailItem)
Const Filepath1 = "C:\Users\tenba1\Documents\QlikView\Account Recons\Recon_Acct.txt"
Const Filepath2 = "C:\Users\tenba1\Documents\QlikView\Account Recons\Recon_Acct_Sender.txt"
Const Filepath3 = "C:\Users\tenba1\Documents\QlikView\Account Recons\Recon_Acct_SenderName.txt"
Const ForWriting = 2

strAccNumber = Trim(Mid(itm.Subject, InStrRev(itm.Subject, " "), Len(itm.Subject) - InStr(1, itm.Subject, " ")))
strSender = itm.Sender.GetExchangeUser().PrimarySmtpAddress
strSenderName = itm.Sender

Do Until FileExists("C:\Users\tenba1\Documents\QlikView\Account Recons\DONE.txt")

'Create a Busy file:
Dim fso, MyFile
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set MyFile = fso.CreateTextFile("C:\Users\tenba1\Documents\QlikView\Account Recons\BUSY.txt", True)

'Delete the DONE file:
aFile = "C:\Users\tenba1\Documents\QlikView\Account Recons\DONE.txt"
Kill aFile

'Update the Account Number File:
Set objFSO1 = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile1 = objFSO1.OpenTextFile(Filepath1, ForWriting)
objFile1.Write ("SET vAcct = '" & strAccNumber & "';")

'Update the Sender Email Address File:
Set objFSO2 = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile2 = objFSO2.OpenTextFile(Filepath2, ForWriting)
objFile2.Write (strSender)

'Update the Sender Name File:
Set objFSO3 = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile3 = objFSO3.OpenTextFile(Filepath3, ForWriting)
objFile3.Write (strSenderName)

'Launch the PowerShell Script for creating the recon file:
Dim shell
Set shell = CreateObject("wscript.shell")
shell.Run "C:\Users\tenba1\Documents\Scripts\Account_Recon.bat"

End Sub

You never check if GetExchangeUser() returns a valid object.您永远不会检查GetExchangeUser()返回有效对象。 For a one-off SMTP object it will return null.对于一次性 SMTP 对象,它将返回 null。

Update: try something like the following:更新:尝试类似以下内容:

strSender = ""
strSenderName  = itm.SenderName
If itm.SenderEmailAddress = "EX" Then
  set objSender = itm.Sender
  If Not (objSender Is Nothing) Then
    set objExchUser = Sender.GetExchangeUser()
    If Not (objExchUser Is Nothing) Then
      strSender = objExchUser.PrimarySmtpAddress
    End If
  End If
  strSender = itm.SenderEmailAddress
End If

The key piece of Dmitry's response is:德米特里回应的关键部分是:

set objExchUser = Sender.GetExchangeUser()
If Not (objExchUser Is Nothing) Then <do something>

The check for sender is preliminary, and solves a different problem than the one being asked by @user2725402.对发件人的检查是初步的,解决了与@user2725402 提出的问题不同的问题。

As Dmitry suggests in his first sentence, the problem with group emails is the lack of a valid Exchange User.正如 Dmitry 在他的第一句话中所暗示的,群组电子邮件的问题在于缺少有效的 Exchange 用户。 Microsoft documentation on the GetExchangeUser method states that it "Returns Null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the AddressEntry object does not correspond to an Exchange user."有关 GetExchangeUser 方法的Microsoft 文档指出,“如果 AddressEntry 对象与 Exchange 用户不对应,则返回 Null(在 Visual Basic 中为空)”。 So this is where you want to check group email addresses for a null value.所以这是您要检查组电子邮件地址是否为空值的地方。

To solve this kind of issue, check for a valid Exchange User and only proceed if you know there is one:要解决此类问题,请检查有效的 Exchange 用户,并且仅在您知道存在的情况下才继续:

    If Msg.SenderEmailType = "EX" Then 'email is from within your Exchange
        Dim objExchangeUser As Object
        Set objExchangeUser = Msg.Sender.GetExchangeUser()
        If objExchangeUser Is Nothing Then Exit Sub <or other appropriate action>
    End If

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