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[英]Javascript match one regex, but not another

How can I find all words in string which 我怎样才能找到字符串中的所有单词
match one expression: 匹配一个表达式:


but do not match another one: 但不要与另一个匹配:


Something like pseudocode: 类似伪代码的东西:

string.match( (first_expression) && ( ! second_expression) )

You could just do this: 你可以这样做:

string.match(/[a-zA-Z]{4,}/) && !string.match(/\b[a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z])\1+[a-zA-Z]\b/)

But if you'd like to combine the patterns, you can use a negative lookahead ( (?!...) ), like this: 但是如果你想组合模式,你可以使用负向前瞻(?!...) ),如下所示:


But this will reject the whole string if it finds the second pattern—eg "fooz barz" will return null . 但是如果找到第二个模式,这将拒绝整个字符串 - 例如"fooz barz"将返回null

To ensure the words you find do not match the other pattern, try this: 要确保找到的单词与其他模式不匹配,请尝试以下操作:


In this case, "fooz barz" will return "barz" . 在这种情况下, "fooz barz"将返回"barz"

Note that this can be cleaned up a bit by using the case insensitive flag ( i ): 请注意,使用不区分大小写的标志( i )可以清除这一点:

        //Do something important

This should match what you want and not what you don't. 这应该符合你想要的,而不是你不想要的。

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