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如何在所需的验证错误上突出显示带有红色边框的 PrimeFaces 文本框?

[英]How to highlight a PrimeFaces textbox with red color border on required validation error?

I have a PrimeFaces textbox with autocomplete functionality.我有一个具有自动完成功能的 PrimeFaces 文本框。 For required field validation error i have to show the error message and highlight the textbox with red color border.对于必填字段验证错误,我必须显示错误消息并突出显示带有红色边框的文本框。 I have showed the error message with <h:message> how to highlight the textbox with red color border.我已经用<h:message>显示了错误消息如何突出显示带有红色边框的文本框。

My textbox is mentioned below.下面提到了我的文本框。

<p:focus context="accountNo">
                             <p:autoComplete id="accountNo" value="#{orderController.accountNo}"
                                  forceSelection="true"  styleClass="ui-inputfield" requiredMessage="Account number is required"  required="true"/>
                                 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<h:message for="accountNo"  style="color:red" />


You can use <p:message> with for attribute set to id of textbox.您可以将<p:message>for属性设置为文本框的 id 一起使用。

For example:例如:

<p:inputText id="id" value="#{bean.idd}"     />
<p:message for="id" display="icon" />

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