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[英]adding property to array element in javascript

I'm trying to learn and understand javascript. 我正在尝试学习和理解javascript。

what is wrong with the following code? 以下代码有什么问题?

var d=[];

I get this error: TypeError: Argument 1 of Node.appendChild is not an object. 我收到此错误:TypeError:Node.appendChild的参数1不是对象。

Can you suggest a solution? 您能提出解决方案吗?

This line d[0].appendChild(d[0].title); 这行d[0].appendChild(d[0].title); is expecting an element to be appended to the div. 期望将元素追加到div。 Your simply appending a text node. 您只需附加一个文本节点。 Create another div (or whatever element you want) and append that. 创建另一个div (或所需的任何元素)并追加。

The problem is that the name title is reserved. 问题在于名称title是保留的。 Try a different name. 尝试使用其他名称。

.title is an attribute of the element, which is a string. .title是元素的属性,它是一个字符串。 When you try to append something to that attribute it is expecting a string. 当您尝试向该属性添加内容时,它需要一个字符串。

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