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Google Map One信息框已打开

[英]Google Map One Infobox Open

I am building a directory, in this example it's a directory for doctors. 我正在建立目录,在此示例中,它是医生的目录。 I created a javascript array called "locations". 我创建了一个名为“ locations”的javascript数组。 The visitor can check checkboxes on the map to choose which kind of doctor should be displayed. 访客可以选中地图上的复选框,以选择应该显示哪种医生。

This is a sample of the array of locations to loop through in a for loop 这是要在for循环中循环通过的位置数组的一个示例

var locations = [
    [0, 'Total Care', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Lake Elsinore', '92530', 'CA', 33.6603, -117.3830, '(951) 674-8779', 1],
    ... etc

This explains each key 这解释了每个键

locations[i][0] = business claimed or not (0 = unclaimed and 1 is claimed)  
locations[i][1] = name  
locations[i][2] = if general practitioner = 1, else = 0  
locations[i][3] = if surgeon = 1, else = 0  
locations[i][4] = if cardiologist = 1, else = 0  
locations[i][5] = if urologist = 1, else = 0    
locations[i][6] = if gynecologist = 1, else = 0  
locations[i][7] = if pulmonologist = 1, else = 0  
locations[i][8] = city  
locations[i][9] = zip code  
locations[i][10] = state  
locations[i][11] = latitude  
locations[i][12] = longitude  
locations[i][13] = phone number  
locations[i][14] = z-index

All works fine. 一切正常。 I have a search function so the visitor can search by name. 我具有搜索功能,因此访客可以按名称搜索。 In the google map code below, I want to find a way to have the infoBox open on the marker of the doctor that was entered in the search function eg 在下面的谷歌地图代码中,我想找到一种方法,可以在搜索功能中输入的医生的标记上打开信息框,例如
if (locations[i][1] == "doctor name"){ if(locations [i] [1] ==“医生名称”){
code here } 在这里编码}

I have been trying to find a solution for the past three days and can't find it, so I would really appreciate some help. 在过去的三天里,我一直在寻找解决方案,但是找不到,因此,我非常感谢您的帮助。 This is the Google Map code: 这是Google Map代码:

var infoBox = null;  
function initialize()  
    var centerMap = new google.maps.LatLng(33.6603, -117.3830);  
    var mapOptions = {zoom: 11,center: centerMap,mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP}  
    var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('googleMap'), mapOptions);  
    setMarkers(map, locations);  

function setMarkers(map, markers)  
    var image = {url: 'images/marker.png',size: new google.maps.Size(17, 23),origin: new google.maps.Point(0,0),anchor: new google.maps.Point(8, 23)};  
    gpr = $('#check1').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0; // general practitioner  
    srg = $('#check2').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0; // surgeon  
    car = $('#check3').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0; // cardiologist  
    uro = $('#check4').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0; // urologist  
    gyn = $('#check5').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0; // gynecologist  
    pul = $('#check6').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0; // pulmonologist

    for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i ++)  
        var locations = markers[i];  
        var siteLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(locations[11], locations[12]);  
        var boxText = document.createElement('div');  
        boxText.style.cssText = 'some styling';  
        link = locations[1].replace(' ','_');
        link = link.toLowerCase();  

        // find out if this genre of doctor was searched for  
        setMarker = 0;  
        if (gpr == 1){if (locations[2] == 1){setMarker = 1;}}  
        if (srg == 1){if (locations[3] == 1){setMarker = 1;}}  
        if (car == 1){if (locations[4] == 1){setMarker = 1;}}  
        if (uro == 1){if (locations[5] == 1){setMarker = 1;}}  
        if (gyn == 1){if (locations[6] == 1){setMarker = 1;}}  
        if (pul == 1){if (locations[7] == 1){setMarker = 1;}}  

        // if one of the checkboxes was checked  
        if (setMarker == 1)  
            if (locations[0])
                boxText.innerHTML = 'some html with link'; // claimed business  
                boxText.innerHTML = 'some html without link'; // unclaimed business  
            var infoBoxOptions = {content: boxText,disableAutoPan: false,maxWidth: 0,pixelOffset: new google.maps.Size(5, -80),zIndex: locations[14],boxStyle: {background: "url('images/tip.png') no-repeat",opacity: 0.9,width: "405px",height: "75px",border: '0px solid #900'},closeBoxMargin: "13px 5px 5px 5px",closeBoxURL: "images/close.gif",infoBoxClearance: new google.maps.Size(1, 1),isHidden: false,pane: "floatPane",enableEventPropagation: false};
            var marker = new google.maps.Marker({position: siteLatLng,map: map,title: locations[1],zIndex: locations[14],icon: image,html: boxText});  
            google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function (e) {infoBox.setContent(this.html);infoBox.open(map, this);});  
            var infoBox = new InfoBox(infoBoxOptions);  

Your help will be much appreciated. 您的帮助将不胜感激。 Thank you. 谢谢。

Unless I'm misunderstanding, you can just loop through your markers until the title matches the search text, and then open the appropriate info box on that marker. 除非我有误会,否则您可以循环浏览标记,直到标题与搜索文本匹配为止,然后在该标记上打开相应的信息框。 Something like: 就像是:

$('#searchButton').click(function() {
    var searchText = $('#searchBox').val();
    for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
        if (markers[i].title.indexOf(searchText) > -1)
            infoBoxes[i].open(map, markers[i]);

This example assumes you have two existing parallel arrays of markers and their corresponding info boxes. 本示例假定您有两个标记的并行数组及其相应的信息框。

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