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[英]Split string into words in javascript

At the moment i am working on text that is broken into floating columns to display it in a magazine-like way. 目前,我正在处理分解为浮动列的文本,以magazine-like方式显示它。

I asked in a previous question how to split the text into sentences and it works like a charm: 我在上一个问题中如何将文本split为句子,它的工作原理就像一个咒语:

sentences = text.replace(/\.\s+/g,'.|').replace(/\?\s/g,'?|').replace(/\!\s/g,'!|').split("|");

Now i want to go a step further and split it into words. 现在,我想更进一步,将其分解为文字。 But i do also have some elements in it, that should not be splitted. 但我确实也有一些内容,不应拆分。 Like subheadlines. 就像副标题一样。

An example text would be: 示例文本为:

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul. <strong>This is a subheadline</strong><br><br>I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot.

My desired result would look like the following: 我期望的结果如下所示:

Array [
    "<strong>This is a subheadline</strong>",

When i split at all whitespaces i do get the words, but the "<br>" won't be added as a new array entry. 当我在所有空格处分割时,会得到单词,但不会将"<br>"添加为新的数组条目。 I also don't want to split the subheadline and markup. 我也不想拆分副标题和标记。

The reason why i want to do this, is that i add sequence after sequence to a p-tag and when the height gets bigger than the surrounding element i remove the last added sequence and create a new floating p-tag. 我要执行此操作的原因是,我将序列后的序列添加到p标签中,并且当高度大于周围的元素时,我会删除最后添加的序列并创建一个新的浮动p标签。 When i splitted it into sentences i saw, that the breakup was not good enough to ensure a good reading flow. 当我将其拆分为句子时,我发现分手不足以确保良好的阅读流程。

An example what i try to achieve can you see here 我试图达到的一个例子可以在这里看到

If you need any further information i will be glad to give it to you. 如果您需要任何进一步的信息,我将很高兴为您提供。

Thanks in advance, 提前致谢,

Tobias 托比亚斯


The string could contain more html tags in the future. 该字符串将来可能包含更多的html标签。 Is there a way to not touch anything between these tags? 有没有办法在这些标签之间不碰任何东西?

EDIT 2 编辑2

I created a jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/m9r9q/1/ 我创建了一个jsfiddle: http : //jsfiddle.net/m9r9q/1/

EDIT 3 编辑3

Would it be a good idea to remove all html tags with encapsulated text and replace it with placeholders? 删除所有带有封装文本的html标签并将其替换为占位符是个好主意吗? Then split the string into words and add the untouched html-tags when the placeholder is reached? 然后将字符串拆分成单词,并在到达占位符时添加未修饰的html标签? What would be the regex to extract all html tags? 提取所有html标签的正则表达式是什么?

As I stated before in comment - you shouldn't do this. 正如我之前在评论中所述-您不应该这样做。 But if you insist - here's a possible answer: 但是,如果您坚持-这是一个可能的答案:

var text = 'A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul. <strong>This is a subheadline</strong><br><br>I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot.';

var array = [],
  tagOpened = false,
  stringBuilder = [];

text.replace(/(<([^\s>]*)[^>]*>|\b[^\s<]*)\s*/g, function(all, word, tag) {
  if (tag) {
    var closing = tag[0] == '/';
    if (closing) {
      word = stringBuilder.join('');
      stringBuilder = [];
      tagOpened = false;
    } else {
      tagOpened = tag.toLowerCase() != 'br';
  if (tagOpened) {
  } else {
  return '';

if (stringBuilder.length) array.push(stringBuilder.join(''));

It doesn't support nested tags. 它不支持嵌套标签。 You can add this functionality by implementing a stack for your opened tags 您可以通过为打开的标签实现堆栈来添加此功能

Although i want to try to extract the html parts and add them afterwards untouched 虽然我想尝试提取html部分,然后再添加它们

Forget about it and about my previous post. 忘记它和我以前的帖子。 I just got an idea that it's much better to use built in browser engine to operate on html code. 我只是想到,最好使用内置的浏览器引擎对html代码进行操作。

You can just use this: 您可以使用以下命令:

var text = 'A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul. <strong>This is a subheadline</strong><br><br>I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot.';    

var elem = document.createElement('div');
elem.innerHTML = text;

var array = [];

for(var i = 0, childs = elem.childNodes; i < childs.length; i ++) {
  if (childs[i].nodeType === 3 /* document.TEXT_NODE */) {
    array = array.concat(childs[i].nodeValue.trim().split(/\s+/));
  } else {

It DOES support nested tags this time, also it supports all possible syntax without hard-coded exceptions for non closable tags :) 这次它确实支持嵌套标签,它也支持所有可能的语法,而对于不可关闭的标签则没有硬编码的异常:)

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