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[英]Rails “No route matches” error when trying to POST via AJAX

I am building a rails app that lets users vote on questions and answers, which are nested: 我正在构建一个Rails应用,该应用可以使用户对嵌套的问题和答案进行投票:

This code works as intended to let users vote up an answer: 这段代码旨在让用户对答案进行投票:

<%= link_to raw('<i class="icon-2x icon-chevron-up"></i>'), vote_question_answer_path(@question, answer, :type => :up), :method => :post %>

but this code, which should do the same thing via ajax: 但是这段代码,应该通过ajax做同样的事情:

<%= link_to raw('<i class="icon-2x icon-chevron-up"></i>'), vote_question_answer_path(@question, answer, :type => :up), :remote => true, :method => :post %>

records the vote correctly, but then gives the following error: 正确记录投票,但随后出现以下错误:

ActionController::RoutingError at /questions/fugiat-nulla-blue-bottle-raw-denim-fap-sint-butcher-ethical-cosby-sweater-thundercats-distillery-laboris-tofu/answers/6/vote=========================================================================================================================================================================> No route matches {:action=>"vote", :controller=>"answers", :type=>:up, :question_id=>nil, :id=>#<Answer id: 6, body: "Ullamco Pinterest food truck incididunt trust fund,...", user_id: 1, question_id: 10, created_at: "2013-09-10 22:20:40", updated_at: "2013-09-10 22:20:40">}app/views/shared/_vote_answer_arrows.html.erb, line 6

I'm confused - aren't the two posting to the same route? 我很困惑-这两个发布地点不一样吗? Why is one working and the other giving a routing error? 为什么一个工作正常,而另一个却出现路由错误?

I believe that the problem is related to the nested routes, because I have nearly identical code for the questions, and the AJAX route works there. 我认为问题与嵌套路由有关,因为我对问题的代码几乎相同,并且AJAX路由在那里起作用。

EDIT: As requested, here are the relevant routes: 编辑:根据要求,这是相关的路线:

resources :questions do
  member { post :vote }
  resources :answers do
    member { post :vote }

And the respond_to do |format| 和response_do做| format |

respond_to do |format|
  format.html{ redirect_to :back, :flash => { :success => 'Thank you for voting!' }}
  format.js {}

Here is the AJAX error message/URL from firebug: 这是firebug的AJAX错误消息/ URL:

"NetworkError: 500 Internal Server Error - http://localhost:3000/questions/fugiat-nulla-blue-bottle-raw-denim-fap-sint-butcher-ethical-cosby-sweater-thundercats-distillery-laboris-tofu/answers/5/vote?type=down"

And here is AJAX params from firebug (This looks very wrong to me, so I am not sure if it is the source of the problem or just me being unfamiliar with firebug: 这是firebug的AJAX参数(这对我来说似乎很不对劲,所以我不确定这是问题的根源还是只是我不熟悉firebug:

type    down

And here is a successful non-AJAX request's parameters from the server output: 这是服务器输出中成功的非AJAX请求的参数:

Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"X3Dg3TSZ8blMNTT1Zce2R0A1rtZI93ViFJNsjOP145w=", "type"=>"up", "question_id"=>"fugiat-nulla-blue-bottle-raw-denim-fap-sint-butcher-ethical-cosby-sweater-thundercats-distillery-laboris-tofu", "id"=>"3"}

As I mentioned in the comments above, this turned out to be a simple controller issue. 正如我在上面的评论中提到的,这原来是一个简单的控制器问题。

In my controller, I had not defined @question. 在我的控制器中,我没有定义@question。 This was not a problem until I turned the request into ajax and needed the variable to render the partials in my javascript. 直到我将请求转换为ajax并需要该变量以在我的JavaScript中呈现部分内容时,这才成为问题。

I added 我加了

@question = Question.find(params[:question_id])

to the controller, and it fixed the problem. 控制器,它解决了问题。

In your controller do you have a respond_to do |format| 在您的控制器中,您是否有一个respond_to do |format| block? 块?

You should have something like... 你应该有...

respond_to do |format|
  if something_saves or whatever
    format.html { redirect_to random_path, notice: 'Vote was casted.' }
    format.json { render :json => { :voteCasted => true } }
    format.html { render :nothing }

The main line there is the... 主线是...

format.json { render :json => { :voteCasted => true } }

At the moment it sounds like you're missing responding to the JSON format. 目前,您似乎缺少对JSON格式的响应。 Which is why the HTML version is working fine and the AJAX (JSON) method is not. 这就是HTML版本运行良好而AJAX(JSON)方法运行不正常的原因。

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