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python - 如何只将更新的文件从文件夹移动到文件夹?

[英]python - how to move only updated files from folder to folder?

I have my source dir and destination dir, containing 5 DLLs. 我有我的源目录和目标目录,包含5个DLL。 The thing I wanted to do is : If the DLL is not updated then replace the DLL if not - skip 我想要做的是:如果DLL没有更新,那么如果没有更新DLL - 跳过

the problem is that I don't know how to check if the DLL is updated.. for example if in the dest dir my DLL is "9/22/2013 15:15" and in my source it's "9/22/2012 16:00" then I want it to be replaced 问题是我不知道如何检查DLL是否更新..例如,如果在目录dir我的DLL是“9/22/2013 15:15”并在我的源中它是“9/22/2012 16:00“然后我希望它被替换

The code I'm using to update is : 我用来更新的代码是:

import shutil
src = "C:\\steve_test\\Test_xp\\added"
dst = "C:\\steve_test\\Test_xp\\moved"
shutil.move(src, dst)

I would suggest the same as msw has suggested, that you use os.stat . 我会建议像msw一样建议你使用os.stat

Ideally, you can check which objects have been modified recently, checking the st_mtime values of the dll files in your source folder, and your destination folder and seeing which one was greater. 理想情况下,您可以检查最近修改了哪些对象,检查源文件夹中的dll文件的st_mtime值以及目标文件夹,并查看哪个更大。 If the st_mtime is for your source folder files are greater than your destination folder files, then you move them, otherwise you can ignore them. 如果st_mtime用于源文件夹文件大于目标文件夹文件,则移动它们,否则可以忽略它们。

This answer assumes that your python file is at the same directory level as your src and dest directory. 这个答案假设您的python文件与srcdest目录位于同一目录级别。 The logic behind the code below should show you how to update your files: 下面代码背后的逻辑应该向您展示如何更新您的文件:

Root Directory 根目录


updater.py updater.py

import os
import shutil

# Imported for convenience
from collections import namedtuple

# Main function, so this can act like a script
if __name__ == '__main__':
    ROOT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__)))  # Root directory

    file_change_times_dest = []  # List of files from destination folder
    file_change_times_src = []  # List of files from source folder

    # Nameed tuple to ease writing code
    FileInformation = namedtuple('FileInformation', ['file_path', 'file_name', 'last_modified'])

    # Loop through files in destination folder to collect information
    for dirpath, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'dest')):
        for file in files:
            # getting file path
            file_path = os.path.join(dirpath, file)
            # getting file change info and casting it to FileInformation type
            file_change_times_dest.append(FileInformation(file_path, file, os.stat(file_path).st_mtime))

    # Loop through source folder, same logic
    for dirpath, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'src')):
        for file in files:
            file_path = os.path.join(dirpath, file)
            file_change_times_src.append(FileInformation(file_path, file,os.stat(file_path).st_mtime))

    # Comparing the two, using Zip to combine the two lists into a tuple
    for file_comp in zip(file_change_times_dest, file_change_times_src):

        # Settings variables for 0 and 1 to make writing code easier
        _DEST = 0
        _SRC = 1

        # File comparison, to see if file name is the same, since we want to update
        if file_comp[_SRC].file_name == file_comp[_DEST].file_name:
            # If the last modified is greater for source, then we copy
            if file_comp[_SRC].last_modified > file_comp[_DEST].last_modified:
                shutil.copy(file_comp[_SRC].file_path, file_comp[_DEST].file_path)
                print("File moved")  # Just for checking

I hope this explains everything. 我希望这能解释一切。 You can get my exact same config from here . 你可以从这里得到完全相同的配置

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