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[英]What is the need of separate address structure in sockaddr_in?

This is the internet(IPv4) socket address structure defined in netinet/in.h 这是netinet / in.h中定义的Internet(IPv4)套接字地址结构

struct sockaddr_in {
  uint8_t         sin_len;      
  sa_family_t     sin_family;   
  in_port_t       sin_port;                               
  struct in_addr  sin_addr;                                   
  char            sin_zero[8];  
struct in_addr {
  in_addr_t   s_addr;                                          

Here what is the need of separate structure only for address field. 在这里,仅地址字段需要单独的结构。

Why can't we use following structure ? 为什么我们不能使用以下结构?

  struct sockaddr_in {
  uint8_t         sin_len;      
  sa_family_t     sin_family;   
  in_port_t       sin_port;                               
  in_addr_t       sin_addr;                                   
  char            sin_zero[8];  

It's for historical reasons. 这是出于历史原因。 In the early days of socket programming, struct in_addr contained a union of various structures so you could get to the individual bytes. 在套接字编程的早期, struct in_addr包含各种结构的union ,因此您可以获取各个字节。 This union became unnecessary when subnetting and classless addressing came along, but switching out the struct for a simple unsigned long would break a lot of code, so it just stayed that way. 当进行子网划分和无类寻址时,这种union就变得不必要了,但是将struct转换为简单的unsigned long代码会破坏很多代码,因此它保持这种状态。

If you're interested in network programming and you haven't yet picked up a copy of UNIX Network Programming then I'd highly recommend doing so, it's a goldmine for little details like this. 如果您对网络编程感兴趣,但是还没有拿起UNIX网络编程的副本,那么我强烈建议您这样做,它是像这样的小细节的金矿。

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