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iPad模拟器上的Xcode 5 iPhone应用程序

[英]Xcode 5 iPhone app on iPad simulator

I've installed Xcode 5 alongside Xcode 4 so I can build for both iOS6 and 7 SDKs. 我已经在Xcode 4旁边安装了Xcode 5,因此可以同时为iOS6和7 SDK进行构建。

I have a working iPhone App that, when I load it in Xcode 4 and build it to run on the iPad simulator it shows up with the 1x/2x button in the bottom right corner of the screen indicating that this is an iPhone App installed on an iPad. 我有一个正常工作的iPhone应用程序,当我将其加载到Xcode 4中并构建为在iPad模拟器上运行时,它会在屏幕的右下角显示1x / 2x按钮,表明这是安装在其中的iPhone应用程序iPad。

When I do the same thing in Xcode 5, however, it appears that it isn't installing it on the iOS7 iPad simulator as an iPhone app because I don't see the 1x/2x button in the corner, and things are laid out slightly differently. 但是,当我在Xcode 5中执行相同的操作时,似乎没有将其作为iPhone应用程序安装在iOS7 iPad模拟器上,因为我没有看到角落的1x / 2x按钮,并且所有内容都已布置好略有不同。

Again, this is the exact same Xcode project (actually it's a workspace) opened in Xcode 4 and built for an iPad simulator and opened in Xcode 5 and build for an iPad simulator. 同样,这是在Xcode 4中打开并为iPad模拟器构建的Xcode项目(实际上是工作区),在Xcode 5中为iPad模拟器构建的Xcode项目(实际上是一个工作区)完全相同。

Does anybody have any ideas on how to get an iPhone app to run as such on an iOS7 iPad simulator? 是否有人对如何使iPhone应用程序在iOS7 iPad模拟器上运行有任何想法? Or why this might be happening? 还是为什么会发生这种情况?

iOS 7使用iPhone的视网膜图稿,因此始终以x2格式显示。

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