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[英]how to use facebook login for an application


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If you only want to check if the account exists and is valid, you could check if the page contains a certain text that only appears on valid Facebook accounts. 如果您只想检查帐户是否存在且是否有效,则可以检查该页面是否包含仅出现在有效Facebook帐户上的特定文本。 Create a webBrowser class and have the user log into their account, then download the page source as a HTML file and check for text in it. 创建一个webBrowser类并让用户登录到他们的帐户,然后将页面源下载为HTML文件并检查其中的文本。 This is a big workaround but from my point of view it works. 这是一个很大的解决方法,但从我的观点来看,它是有效的。

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