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Internet Explorer打印问题

[英]Internet Explorer Print Issue

  • I have a grid and a print option in a page, where the grid is having 5 columns & more than 200 rows. 我在页面中有一个网格和一个打印选项,其中网格具有5列和200多个行。
  • Print option is used to print the grid,where each cell in the grid will get expanded if the content of the cell is large Print选项用于打印网格,如果单元格的内容较大,则网格中的每个单元格都会展开
  • While Printing, a image(logo) will be displayed at the end of the grid. 在打印时,图像(徽标)将显示在网格的末尾。

The problem is, 问题是,

In IE9, in one particular machine used by a client, 在IE9中,在一台客户端使用的特定计算机上,

  • The cell's in the grid is being in a fixed position, so the contents are getting overlapped. 网格中的单元格处于固定位置,因此内容越来越重叠。
  • The image which supposed to be displayed after the grid, is being displayed at the end of each page in print. 本应显示在网格之后的图像显示在每页打印的末尾。
  • It also printing the about blank page of the browser as the first page. 它还将浏览器的空白页打印为第一页。

I have tested in several machines but can't reproduce the issue. 我已经在几台机器上进行了测试,但是无法重现该问题。 Or Is it related with JS permissions in browser. 或与浏览器中的JS权限有关。

If anyone experienced these kind of situation please do suggest me finding the root cause. 如果有人遇到过这种情况,请建议我找到根本原因。


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