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[英]checkbox onclick event jquery not working

I have a website that has a few dynamic boxes on. 我有一个网站上有一些动态框。 Every 15 seconds my javascript fires some ajax requests and then outputs the json replies on the page which works great. 每隔15秒,我的javascript就会触发一些ajax请求,然后在页面上输出json答复,效果很好。 My issue is with my checkbox toggle thing. 我的问题是我的复选框切换问题。

I had the on change event hooked up to a php page that would check the value and if its a 1 change to 0 and if 0 change to 1 (this controls the checkbox checked value). 我有on change事件连接到一个php页面,该页面将检查该值以及是否将其1更改为0以及是否将0更改为1(这可控制复选框的选中值)。

My issue is when I change it on another window ... it will after 15 seconds update and move to the state I change it to ... but this will then trigger the onchange event and I get a loop. 我的问题是,当我在另一个窗口上对其进行更改时……它将在15秒后更新并移至我将其更改为的状态……但这将触发onchange事件,并出现一个循环。

I need to use the onClick event to only change when it is manually clicked and not when it is automatically changed by the script. 我需要使用onClick事件仅在手动单击时更改,而在脚本自动更改时不更改。

How do I do this as onClick isnt working :/ 我如何执行此操作,因为onClick无法正常工作:/

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
$(window).load(function() {
  $('.on_off :checkbox').iphoneStyle();
  $('.disabled :checkbox').iphoneStyle();
  $('.css_sized_container :checkbox').iphoneStyle({ 
     resizeContainer: false, 
     resizeHandle: false 
  $('.long_tiny :checkbox').iphoneStyle({ 
     checkedLabel: 'Very Long Text',
     uncheckedLabel: 'Tiny' 

  var onchange_checkbox = ($('.onchange :checkbox')).iphoneStyle({
    onClick: function(elem, value) { 

function Update(){
  $( "#result" ).load( "change.php");

It looks like there are a couple of issues with the script posted. 发布的脚本似乎有几个问题。 Could you see if this helps? 你能帮忙看看吗?

<script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript">

    $(window).load(function() {

            resizeContainer: false, 
            resizeHandle: false 
            checkedLabel: 'Very Long Text',
            uncheckedLabel: 'Tiny' 

        var onchange_checkbox = ($('.onchange:checkbox')).iphoneStyle({
            onClick: function(elem, value) { 


    function Update(){


try capturing the click event on the parent - 尝试捕获父项上的click事件-

var onchange_checkbox = ($('.onchange :checkbox')).iphoneStyle();

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