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[英]How to switch default True to False on specifying and argument?

#!/usr/bin/env python

import optparse

p = optparse.OptionParser()
p.add_option("-o", action="store", dest="outfile")
p.add_option("-d", action="store_true", dest="debugflag")

opts,args = p.parse_args()

print opts, " ", args
print opts.outfile, opts.debugflag

Output: 输出:

$ ./optparseexample.py -o myfile -d
{'outfile': 'myfile', 'debugflag': True}   []
myfile True

$ ./optparseexample.py -o myfile 
{'outfile': 'myfile', 'debugflag': True}   []
myfile True

Question: 题:

How to I switch the default value for debugflag from True to False ? 如何将debugflag的默认值从True切换为False

You should use action=store_false then. 然后,您应该使用action=store_false

p.add_option("-d", action="store_false", dest="debugflag")

Please try to read the documentation before asking. 在询问之前,请尝试阅读文档

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