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在Selenium Webdriver中生成报告

[英]generate the report in selenium webdriver

how can I generate the report after executing test cases in the selenium web driver. 在Selenium Web驱动程序中执行测试用例后,如何生成报告。 I am trying Test NG for generating report but I have to write different code to get the report? 我正在尝试使用Test NG生成报告,但是我必须编写其他代码才能获取报告?

If you use Maven with Surefire plugin (which I strongly recommend), report is always located in target/surefire-reports/index.html . 如果您将Maven与Surefire插件一起使用(强烈推荐),则报告始终位于target/surefire-reports/index.html If that is not enough for your than you can use ReportNG library which is supposed to have more convenient reports in HTML format. 如果这还不够,您可以使用ReportNG库,该库应该具有HTML格式的更方便的报表。

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