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Ajaxplorer FTP被动模式问题/ IIS

[英]Ajaxplorer FTP Passive Mode issues /IIS

Im using Ajaxplorer as a ftp client to upload files. 我使用Ajaxplorer作为ftp客户端来上传文件。 With small files works great, but there is a problem with bigger files (like 3G or more). 较小的文件效果很好,但是较大的文件(例如3G或更高)存在问题。 Apparently it does the upload fine, but when it finishes I receive a message that says the file is getting copied to the server, 显然,上传可以正常进行,但是完成后,我会收到一条消息,提示文件正在复制到服务器,

Copying file [my file] to ftp server 将文件[我的文件]复制到ftp服务器

but a couple minutes later, it comes this 但是几分钟后,

ftp_fput(): Entering Passive Mode ([my IP address],9,132) ftp_fput():进入被动模式([我的IP地址],9,132)

and ajaxplorer just stops the copying proccess. 而ajaxplorer只是停止复制过程。 Acording to the ajaxplorer log this is an error, but it doesnt say nothing useful 根据ajaxplorer日志,这是一个错误,但是并没有说什么有用

INFO guest error message=ftp_fput(): Entering Passive Mode ([my IP address],195,201) INFO来宾错误消息= ftp_fput():进入被动模式([我的IP地址],195,201)

my php.ini settings is the following 我的php.ini设置如下

post_max_size = 20G; post_max_size = 20G;

upload_max_filesize = 20G; upload_max_filesize = 20G;

memory_limit = 100M memory_limit = 100M

max_input_time = -1 max_input_time = -1

max_execution_time = 0 max_execution_time = 0

BTW, Im using as a ftp server FileZilla version 0.9.41 and I getting this in the log 顺便说一句,我用作FTP服务器FileZilla版本0.9.41,我在日志中得到了

(000256)24/09/2013 13:52:01 - (not logged in) (> Connected, sending welcome message... (000256)24/09/2013 13:52:01-(未登录)(>已连接,正在发送欢迎消息...

(000256)24/09/2013 13:52:01 - (not logged in) (> 220-FileZilla Server version 0.9.41 beta (000256)24/09/2013 13:52:01-(未登录)(> 220-FileZilla Server 0.9.41 Beta

(000256)24/09/2013 13:52:01 - (not logged in) (> 220-written by Tim Kosse (Tim.Kosse@gmx.de) (000256)24/09/2013 13:52:01-(未登录)(> 220由Tim Kosse编写(Tim.Kosse@gmx.de)

(000256)24/09/2013 13:52:01 - (not logged in) (> 220 Please visit http://sourceforge.net/projects/filezilla/ (000256)24/09/2013 13:52:01-(未登录)(> 220请访问http://sourceforge.net/projects/filezilla/

(000256)24/09/2013 13:52:01 - (not logged in) (> USER admin (000256)24/09/2013 13:52:01-(未登录)(>用户管理员

(000256)24/09/2013 13:52:01 - (not logged in) (> 331 Password required for admin (000256)24/09/2013 13:52:01-(未登录)(> 331管理员所需的密码

(000256)24/09/2013 13:52:01 - (not logged in) (> PASS ********* (000256)24/09/2013 13:52:01-(未登录)(>通过*********

(000256)24/09/2013 13:52:01 - admin (> 230 Logged on (000256)24/09/2013 13:52:01-管理(> 230登录

(000256)24/09/2013 13:52:01 - admin (> PASV (000256)24/09/2013 13:52:01-管理(> PASV

(000256)24/09/2013 13:52:01 - admin (> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([my IP address],196,30) (000256)24/09/2013 13:52:01-管理员(> 227进入被动模式([我的IP地址],196,30)

(000256)24/09/2013 13:54:02 - admin (> 421 Connection timed out. (000256)24/09/2013 13:54:02-管理(> 421连接超时。

(000256)24/09/2013 13:54:02 - admin (> disconnected. (000256)24/09/2013 13:54:02-管理(>已断开连接。

Well... i think thats all i got, thanks in advance!! 好吧...我想那就是我所得到的,谢谢!

-- [EDIT] -- Ok, I kinda solve it. -[编辑]-好,我解决了。 I installed and setted IIS7 and later disabled my firewall. 安装并设置了IIS7 ,后来又禁用了防火墙。 Now it uploads the files pretty fine, but after copying the same to the server it show some errors, like "It exceed the max time" or others, but if you refresh the page, the file is there. 现在,它可以很好地上传文件,但是将文件复制到服务器后,它会显示一些错误,例如“超过最大时间”或其他错误,但是如果刷新页面,则文件在那里。 Is normal to take so long to copy a file to the ftp server? 将文件复制到ftp服务器是否花费这么长时间是正常的? (it takes a bit more than uploading) Im talking about big files here (2G or more), smaller files work as expected. (比上传要花更多的时间)我在这里谈论的是大文件(2G或更大),较小的文件可以正常工作。

ok, I finally solve it! 好的,我终于解决了! :D :D

basically to upload big files in ajaxplorer you must to do this (for Windows 7): 基本上要在ajaxplorer中上传大文件,您必须这样做(对于Windows 7):

  • Set the following in php.ini 在php.ini中设置以下内容

post_max_size = 20G; post_max_size = 20G;

upload_max_filesize = 20G; upload_max_filesize = 20G;

memory_limit = 100M memory_limit = 100M

max_input_time = -1 max_input_time = -1

max_execution_time = 0 max_execution_time = 0

  • Install and set IIS7 like this 像这样安装并设置IIS7

  • In [Your path to ajaxplorer]/plugins/access.ftp/class.ftpAccessDriver.php line 105 change @set_time_limit(240) to @set_time_limit(1000) or whatever you need (the numbers are the timeout in seconds) 在[您的ajaxplorer路径] /plugins/access.ftp/class.ftpAccessDriver.php第105行中,将@set_time_limit(240)更改为@set_time_limit(1000)或您需要的任何值(数字是超时时间,以秒为单位)

Im not sure how it would work in other OS but maybe it would be useful to windows/ajaxplorer users :D 我不确定它在其他操作系统中如何工作,但可能对Windows / ajaxplorer用户有用:D

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