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尝试在Rails / Ember应用程序中使用Foundation的Orbit滑块

[英]Trying to use Foundation's Orbit slider in Rails/Ember app

I have a rails app that is using both the Ember and Foundation gems. 我有一个同时使用Ember和Foundation宝石的Rails应用程序。 All has been working as expected until I tried to use Foundation's Orbit slider -- http://foundation.zurb.com/docs/components/orbit.html . 直到我尝试使用Foundation的Orbit滑块( http://foundation.zurb.com/docs/components/orbit.html)为止,所有操作都按预期进行。

The Foundation gem includes all of the js files in the body tag so both files I need -- foundation.js and foundation.orbit.js -- are there. Foundation gem在body标记中包含所有js文件,因此我需要的两个文件(foundation.js和Foundation.orbit.js)都存在。

The only other instructions are to attach data-orbit to whatever element you want to slide through. 唯一的其他说明是将data-orbit附加到要滑动的任何元素上。 Mine looks like: 我的看起来像:

<ul data-orbit>
  <li><img src="/assets/ewabout_1.jpg" class="carousel-pics"></li>
  <li><img src="/assets/ewabout_2.jpg" class="carousel-pics"></li>
  <li><img src="/assets/ewabout_3.jpg" class="carousel-pics"></li>
  <li><img src="/assets/ewabout_4.jpg" class="carousel-pics"></li>
  <li><img src="/assets/ewabout_5.jpg" class="carousel-pics"></li>

But when I load the page the images are just stacked on top of one another, like the app can't find the javascript. 但是,当我加载页面时,图像只是堆叠在一起,就像该应用找不到javascript一样。

I feel like this is probably an ember issue, but I'm not sure. 我觉得这可能是一个余烬问题,但我不确定。 Is there something I need to add to the Ember View? 我需要添加到Ember View中吗?



Changed application.js to the following and the slider renders, but multiplies bullets/buttons etc down the page resulting in the site crashing. application.js更改为以下内容,并呈现滑块,但将项目符号/按钮等沿着页面向下复制,导致网站崩溃。 But at least it gets the slider moving? 但是至少它能使滑块移动吗?

//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require foundation
//= require handlebars
//= require ember
//= require_self
//= require ew
Ew = Ember.Application.create({
    ready: function () {
    setInterval(function() {
    }, 2000);

But when I load the page the images are just stacked on top of one another, like the app can't find the javascript. 但是,当我加载页面时,图像只是堆叠在一起,就像该应用找不到javascript一样。

This is because you need to initialize the orbit plugin at the right moment, that is when the html markup has being rendered into the DOM, read along how to do it. 这是因为您需要在适当的时候初始化orbit插件,也就是说,当html标记已呈现到DOM中时,请阅读如何做。

Basically what I've done was to create a Ember.Component (but a view should also work) , and put the orbit related markup directly in the component's template, then hook into the didInsertElement of the component and initialize the orbit plugin: 基本上,我要做的是创建一个Ember.Component (但是视图也应该工作) ,然后将与轨道相关的标记直接放在组件的模板中,然后挂接到组件的didInsertElement中并初始化orbit插件:

orbit-slider component template: 轨道滑块组件模板:

<script type="text/x-handlebars" id="components/orbit-slider">
    <ul data-orbit>
      <li><img src="http://placehold.it/400x240/#c2c2c9" class="carousel-pics"></li>
      <li><img src="http://placehold.it/400x240/#c2c2c9" class="carousel-pics"></li>
      <li><img src="http://placehold.it/400x240/#c2c2c9" class="carousel-pics"></li>
      <li><img src="http://placehold.it/400x240/#c2c2c9" class="carousel-pics"></li>
      <li><img src="http://placehold.it/400x240/#c2c2c9" class="carousel-pics"></li>

orbit-slider component class: 轨道滑块组件类:

App.OrbitSliderComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
  initOrbit: function() {
    $(document).foundation('orbit', {
      animation: 'fade',
      timer_speed: 10000,
      pause_on_hover: true,
      resume_on_mouseout: false,
      animation_speed: 500,
      stack_on_small: true,
      navigation_arrows: true,
      slide_number: true,
      container_class: 'orbit-container',
      stack_on_small_class: 'orbit-stack-on-small',
      next_class: 'orbit-next',
      prev_class: 'orbit-prev',
      timer_container_class: 'orbit-timer',
      timer_paused_class: 'paused',
      timer_progress_class: 'orbit-progress',
      slides_container_class: 'orbit-slides-container',
      bullets_container_class: 'orbit-bullets',
      bullets_active_class: 'active',
      slide_number_class: 'orbit-slide-number',
      caption_class: 'orbit-caption',
      active_slide_class: 'active',
      orbit_transition_class: 'orbit-transitioning',
      bullets: true,
      timer: true,
      variable_height: false,
      before_slide_change: function(){},
      after_slide_change: function(){}

usage in template 模板中的用法


As you can see I've used all possible configuration possibilities just to be sure it works, but of course you can omit them or change them accordingly. 如您所见,我已经使用了所有可能的配置可能性,只是为了确保它能起作用,但是您当然可以忽略它们或相应地对其进行更改。

Here a working demo: http://jsbin.com/iciDiPI/2/edit 这是一个工作示例: http : //jsbin.com/iciDiPI/2/edit

Hope it helps. 希望能帮助到你。

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