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[英]Formula in excel to increment by percentage X number of times

I have a pretty simple problem I am trying to solve, but can't figure it out and can't even think of what to put in google. 我有一个非常简单的问题要解决,但无法弄清楚,甚至都没想到要放在Google中。

I have two cells in excel. 我在Excel中有两个单元格。 One (A1) will have a number, say from 0-100. 一个(A1)将有一个数字,例如0-100。 In the other (A2) I want to start with 15 when A1 is 0, and increment by 15% for each increase in A1. 在另一个(A2)中,我想从A1为0时的15开始,并为A1的每次增加增加15%。 Here is what should show at various points: 以下是各个点应显示的内容:

A1 - A2 A1-A2
0 - 15 0-15
1 - 17.25 1-17.25
2 - 19.8375 2-19.8375
3 - 22.81313 3-22.81313
... ...
10 - 60.68337 10-60.68337
... ...
20 - 245.4981 20-245.4981

and so on... Basically in this form it is just the cell above * 1.15. 依此类推...基本上,这种形式只是* 1.15上方的单元格。 But I can't figure out how to condense that into a single formula. 但我不知道如何将其浓缩为一个公式。

Using a more "standard" spreadsheet nomenclature: 使用更“标准”的电子表格术语:

   |     A           B
 1 |         0          15
 2 |         1       17.25
 3 |         2     19.8375

If you just want the cell to be 15% more than the cell above it, put in (for example) B2 : 如果您只是想让该单元格比其上方的单元格多15%,请输入(例如) B2

= B1 * 1.15

and copy that to all other B cells below B2 . 并将其复制到B2所有其他B单元中。

If you want it based on An (if, for example, the A cells may not be consecutive), you can use powers (again in B2 ): 如果要基于An (例如,如果A单元可能不连续),则可以使用幂(再次在B2 ):

= B$1 * (1.15 ^ A2)

though I'm wasn't entirely sure if ^ is the exponentiation operator in Excel, I've long since switched to Gnumeric. 虽然我并不完全确定,如果^是Excel幂运算符,我早已切换到Gnumeric的。 A quick web search seems to indicate that it is the correct operator. 快速的网络搜索似乎表明它是正确的运算符。

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