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从页面facebook api图获取信息

[英]get information from page facebook api graph

I would like to get the information shown in image below from my facebook page (Most Popular Week, Most Popular City, Most Popular Age Group) with FQL. 我想通过FQL从我的Facebook页面(最受欢迎的一周,最受欢迎的城市,最受欢迎的年龄组)获得下面图片中显示的信息。


How can I achieve this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

For a facebook page you can query the following Graph API endpoint: graph.facebook.com/{page-id}/insights 对于Facebook页面,您可以查询以下Graph API端点:graph.facebook.com/{page-id}/insights

Or via FQL: 或者通过FQL:

SELECT ... FROM insights WHERE object_id = <page-id> AND metric = B AND end_time = C AND period = D

The Most popular City (page_impressions_by_city_unique) and Most popular Age Group (page_impressions_by_age_gender_unique) metrics are reported as unique values from the Insights API Endpoint. 最受欢迎的城市(page_impressions_by_city_unique)和最受欢迎的年龄组(page_impressions_by_age_gender_unique)指标会从Insights API端点报告为唯一值。

Most popular Week is not reported by the API as far as I can see. 据我所见,API没有报告最受欢迎的Week。 You would need to query the API for weekly statistics and compare these in your application code. 您需要查询API以获取每周统计信息,并在应用程序代码中对这些进行比较。

You should probably check the documentation yourself: 您应该自己查看文档:
Graph API: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/insights/ 图API: https//developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/insights/
FQL: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/insights FQL: https//developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/insights

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