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[英]C# WMI Unparsable query

My goal: 我的目标:

  • Start a process(Install application) on a remote machine with params 使用参数在远程计算机上启动进程(安装应用程序)
  • Wait for the process to finish and throw an event when it's completed. 等待过程完成,并在完成时引发事件。

I'm getting an error " Unparseable query " at this line: 我在此行收到错误“ 无法解析的查询 ”:
var watcher = manWatch.WaitForNextEvent(); var watcher = manWatch.WaitForNextEvent();

I have a database of about 2xx different applications i can install from using this method. 我有大约2xx个不同应用程序的数据库,我可以使用此方法进行安装。 Not every application gives me this error during install. 并非每个应用程序在安装过程中都会出现此错误。 Some are succesful and some not. 有些成功,有些则没有。 I do believe it's the way I'm going about getting the event. 我确实相信这是我要参加的活动的方式。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

    private void StartAppAction(string PCName, string Command)

        string Params = @"\\" + PCName + @"\C$\SoftwareInstall\" + Command;
        ConnectionOptions conOpt = new ConnectionOptions();
        conOpt.Impersonation = ImpersonationLevel.Impersonate;
        conOpt.Authentication = AuthenticationLevel.Default;
        conOpt.EnablePrivileges = true;

        ManagementScope manScope = new ManagementScope(String.Format(@"\\{0}\ROOT\CIMV2", PCName), conOpt);

        ObjectGetOptions objGetOpt = new ObjectGetOptions();
        ManagementPath manPath = new ManagementPath("Win32_Process");
        ManagementClass manClass = new ManagementClass(manScope, manPath, objGetOpt);

        ManagementBaseObject inParams = manClass.GetMethodParameters("Create");
        inParams["CommandLine"] = Params;
        ManagementBaseObject outParams = manClass.InvokeMethod("Create", inParams, null);

        string queryString = "SELECT * From WIN32_ProcessStopTrace WHERE ProcessID= outParams['ProcessID']";
        WqlEventQuery wqlQuery = new WqlEventQuery(queryString);
        ManagementEventWatcher manWatch = new ManagementEventWatcher(@"\\" + PCName + @"\root\CIMV2", "SELECT * From WIN32_ProcessStopTrace WHERE ProcessID=" + outParams["ProcessID"]);

        var watcher = manWatch.WaitForNextEvent();

        if (watcher["ExitStatus"].ToString() == "0")
            MessageBox.Show("Remote Exection Finished Succesfully with ExitCode 0");
            MessageBox.Show("Remote Exection exited with the code of " + watcher["ExitStatus"].ToString());


You had a typo in your WQL sentece replace this line 您的WQL情节中有错别字,请替换此行

string queryString = "SELECT * From WIN32_ProcessStopTrace WHERE ProcessID= outParams['ProcessID']";

by this one 通过这个

string queryString = String.Format("SELECT * From WIN32_ProcessStopTrace WHERE ProcessID={0}",outParams['ProcessID']);

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